Should Christians engage in Politics?


I have noticed a strong reluctance on the part of some Christians to engage in political discussions; and in fact, have been privately scolded by some who think it is “wrong” to participate in the world of political discourse, with the claim that by doing so, I am putting my trust in the world instead of in God.

As believers we are to have reachable and teachable hearts, open to rebuke from Scripture, and to the convictions of the Holy Spirit, and I have sought to find a correct balance, not always easy in today’s political climate where so much corruption and sinful behavior is going on!

But I truly don’t see where in Scripture we are restricted or told not to engage in trying to be part of making our communities better by working for the blessing of good governance.

In fact, there are examples of Godly people in powerful positions whom God used to bless the people through their involvement in the political structures of the day; think of Daniel and Joseph.

We in America have a unique position of living in a country where the set up of government was literally “by the people, for the people”. We don’t suffer under a dictatorship; nor do we leave the leading of our land to Royalty (although many of our leaders do seem to view themselves that way) whom are selected via birth and lineage, rather than actual credentials, interest or skill.

Perhaps the sly workings of some with wrongful motives have set this bizarre shaming for Christians to become involved in politics as a way of loosening our influence upon a nation that actually NEEDS Godly men and women to engage in the leading of this great land.

The whispers of “separation of church and state” have cast a shadow of doubt over the “appropriateness” of Christians taking a healthy role in the state of affairs within our nation – and yet, I think of the verse in Proverbs that tells us,

“The righteous rejoice when the Godly rule, and when the wicked rule, the Godly groan.”

The unique structure of a (mostly) 2 party option does automatically present the likelihood of division where sharp disagreement can ensue – and often does – about which party is more closely aligned with God’s standards. Much prayer and Godly discernment is required to make choices about what policies and beliefs we each choose to uphold and support. Healthy debate to test the veracity of our beliefs is sometimes necessary as we challenge one another to seek Truth and encourage integrity. Sometimes we are forced to call out lies, stand up for right and take sides.

It is at those times that our testimony in Jesus is most evident: how to delicately handle TRUTH in LOVE… I have to sadly admit that in my passion for Justice, this is the area I stumble in the most, forgetting that HOW we strive to arrive at Truth is just as important as getting there. If I have unknowingly hurt someone in that way, I offer sincere apologies and beg forgiveness.

As with any pursuit or interest, political involvement can become an idol, something that makes us forget where our True Hope lies- in Jesus Christ. He himself modeled a righteous indignation which offers a pattern for those of us who seek to follow Biblical models for living in a culture that is hostile to our beliefs.

Is lasting Hope found in a republic, where the power is given to the people, rather than a monarch? NO. The absolute wickedness of the human heart guarantees that eventually, any and all governing structures will fail. But of all political structures, ours seems the most blessed, if carefully guarded and cared for by those who have hearts eager to follow God and honor Him in our lives.

For our little stretch of time, to be engaged in the process of holding accountable the people whom we have voted into power over us seems advisable, and even wise. May God please grant us grace and wisdom to do it in a way that honors Him and is a blessing to all around us, and brings a lasting peace for more generations to come.
