Why Would I Cry??


(This is a continuation of the story after “Whose in Charge Around Here?” – the “Angels Among Us” post was a short interruption to the tale of how we came to live in Chicago.)

While still in California, we had received an invitation from a parent whose daughter was also entering 8th grade for Lydia to come to a pool party that was being held just a week after our arrival in Illinois. 

I insisted she would go, delighted for the opportunity for her to meet some girls before the first day of school.  She wasn’t quite as delighted as me, being nervous about the whole thing.  I called anyway, saying Lydia would “love to come!”  Then the mom told me that I was welcome to stay too, to get to know some of the other moms. I gulped and said “Wonderful!” well remembering the lesson on hypocrisy God had taught me three years earlier (you did read that post, right?)   

The day of the swim party came quickly.  On the drive over, our conversation centered around the main concern on Lydia’s heart. She implored me, “Mom, no matter what, please do not cry!”

Indignant, I responded, “Lydia, why would I cry?!” She just shook her head, muttering, “Because I know you. And if you cry, I will be so embarrassed.”

I was exasperated. “Honey, I can’t for a minute imagine why you would think I would cry. This is a pool party for heaven’s sake.” 

With that, we arrived. Getting out of our rental car, she shot me one last warning look, while I put on a smile and moved toward the group of women and girls standing in the front lawn.

Introductions were made all around, the girls welcoming Lydia, then all of them running into the house to change into their swimming suits.  I moved inside with the other moms for a cool drink. A mere five minutes into the conversation, one of the ladies kindly turned to me and asked how our move from California was going.

Now, that was a bit unfair; if she had asked my opinion on the sky rocketing price of milk, or the likelihood of a Spanish invasion, I would have been fully able to articulate my thoughts without any outward sign of the turmoil within. But this? This was too much!

Uncontrollably, I burst into tears, pent up emotions from the past few weeks of upheaval, exhaustion, strange beds and the grief over leaving our lovely home and the friends we had come to love came spewing out.

I cried for the unexpected awfulness of the hotel we were staying in, for bearing the weight of our five precious children’s concerns, worries, and transitions.  I cried helplessly for the impossibility of changing our minds, for the treadmill we were on that was carrying us to more unknown places.  For the spoken and unspoken fears of starting over in a new place again, for late trucks and lost sleep and the massive upheaval that our lives had become – it all came pouring out in one massive torrent and I wept.

Needless to say, the poor woman was aghast at what her innocent question had brought on!

After the worst of it had subsided, through the remaining sniffles I shared how hard things were, but that we were really trying to trust God through it all and knew that it would all be ok eventually. 

These precious Godly women were so quick to respond with sympathy and tissues, gathering around me and praying for me, which allowed me a few minutes to regain my composure if not my pride.

All too fast, the girls descended, Lydia honing in on me standing there guiltily with puffy eyes and wadded up tissues.  I looked away with a sigh, unable to deny it.  Once again, I had failed my dear daughter’s one request, and I knew it.

Shoving back all my emotions wasn’t what God was asking me to do. He can handle my worries so I can give voice to my deepest thoughts and He is able to handle all my concerns – Psalm 62 tells us, “My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him.  He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.”

Have you ever found yourself trying to “do it in your own strength”? Let’s talk…you know – between friends.


Who’s in Charge Around Here??


While all the craziness of our home life was going on with our involvement with Safe Families and the busyness of life, things were happening at Mark’s workplace.  He really loved his job, but he had already climbed within the department as high as he could.  The business culture today is so wrapped around a different philosophy than my parents’ generation.  Now, if you stay in one role for more than a few years, it can be looked upon as stagnation rather than perfecting your craft.  So, Mark posted for other positions in the company that would keep us in California, but nothing seemed to work out. He was told that if he gained some further outside experience in management, he could come back in to some different challenges down the road.

When we discussed it with the kids, again, they weren’t exactly delighted with the idea of leaving California, and they had a point: they’d heard us say God would provide friends in California and we had asked that they trust Him; they had, and now they each had some good friends.

But we really saw this move as a temporary one; we were so sure we would be back within 2-3 years – we were already sold on the area, we had had a wonderful life there, so we wouldn’t struggle at all with coming back, would we?

When we had lived in Wisconsin, we’d been part of a wonderful church plant of a Harvest Bible Chapel in the Milwaukee area, the parent church being in Elgin, Illinois. Mark and I used to drive down on Saturday nights to what was affectionately referred to as “Big church” – the main campus.  Captivated by all that God was doing there we’d dreamed of the chance to be part of it. But we had never pictured ourselves moving to Illinois –why would we ever do that when all we’d known was in the Badger state?

All the same, here we were, considering that very thing.

Before leaving our home in California to go on a weeklong visit to Wisconsin, I had called the school, Harvest Christian Academy, letting them know we were going to be in the area the next week and would there be a way our kids could see the school even though it was summertime?  The superintendent was very friendly and helpful, “Absolutely!”

So we took a day and drove down to the area that we were considering moving to.  We wanted our kids to see where they would go to school – and church, since they were the same building. 

Little did we know that while we were looking at them, they were looking at us – we had no idea that the school was working hard to grow – it all looked and sounded wonderful to us and the idea that our children would get to be part of this marvelous school was exciting to us, as we already held their ministry in such high esteem.  Meanwhile, God was encouraging their hearts that here was a family with 5 kids, eager to join in what they were doing.

We flew back to California, more open to the idea of another move.

Again, we talked extensively with our children; we all agreed that ‘coming back’ would be our top priority – this was just going to be like an extended vacation for a couple years, then we’d be right back to the state we had come to love.

Really, we felt we didn’t have a choice so we put our wonderful home on the market, and started the enormous task of moving across the country again.

Back in the Midwest, we moved to a hotel in a northwest suburb of Chicago; this temporary stay ended up lasting about four months, but this time around, we had two dogs plus a cat and the seven of us crammed into two rooms. 

Thankfully, our lodgings were at the very end of the hallway, directly across from each other. Mark and the boys and I took one room with a dog, and the three girls took the other dog and the cat in with them.  

We still chuckle at the memory of the sign that greeted us on the refrigerator when we first entered: “Welcome! We hope you find this fully furnished kitchen stocked with all the necessary tools to make your stay with us an enjoyable one!” 

Opening the cupboards and drawers revealed the contents of two plates, a bowl and a mishmash of silverware, along with a small pot with a lid, a jar opener, a corkscrew and a sieve. The girls’ room wasn’t much better, although they had an ice cream scoop and a stack of cups. Clearly, we had some gaps to fill; between the two rooms, we cobbled together a reasonably equipped kitchen and, with one or two trips to the Dollar Store, we made it functional. 

It didn’t take long for the enormity of our decision to sink in: We had left the home and area we loved, to come back to the Midwest to live in a hotel again, no more ultra bright sunshine, no more sandy beaches… only this time it was August, we were back to freezing cold weather and gray skies – and there was no going back! There were unforeseen challenges that really tried our faith; things had we known, we may have chosen very differently. It wasn’t easy starting all over again, and we started to doubt the soundness of our decision. Everyone was floundering, lonely and struggling.

“Um…Mission Control? We have a problem!”

Nearly horrified with the evidence that obviously we had not been thinking clearly the past several months to cause us to make such a rash and unutterably wrong and irreversible decision, we turned desperately to God – What had we done?? Lord, please fix this!

Then, the soothe, calming voice broke through to my frantic mind: 

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29.

Has there been a time in your life when you found yourself far from where you ever intended to be? When things just didn’t look anything like your original plans? God wants to assure us that even then, He is in control. It may look different, it may be full of some trials or hard situations, but He wants to help us grow through those very difficulties, to make us more like his Son. Let’s talk…you know – between friends.




We stayed for three glorious years in sunny Northern California, enjoying many of the majestic sights – Yosemite, Lake Tahoe, Monterey Bay, Carmel; trips to the ocean, fresh road-side fruit stands, plentiful sunshine and completely new experiences from what we had known in our home state of Wisconsin – we grew to love our time there and God so faithfully showered his grace on us, helping us to find a great church and make some friends.

The first school we put our kids into turned out to have some beliefs that we couldn’t agree with. We heard about an excellent Christian High School and decided our older two girls, who were by this time both in high school, would attend there for our second year of living in California. Having no other options for the younger three, I was sort of thrust in a direction I had never considered before: homeschooling. A prospect I was terrified of!

I was not a teacher! I never even went to college! The thought of my precious children’s educations being placed into my quaking and (in my mind at the time) unqualified hands was simply ~ Well, the word disastrous comes to mind!

But we were out of choices – and time. So, with great trepidation, we set out to try our hand – praying daily that God would give us what we needed to make the year a success.

As I brought my fears to God, He handed back to me a verse found in Joshua 1, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous – do not be terrified, do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you may go.”

It turned out to be a marvelous journey! I utilized the curriculum my sister recommended to me and the kids and I enjoyed the extra time together, foraging through the endless maze of learning – one interesting thing led to another and we fully embraced it all and learned together! We were able to really hone in on the few areas my children had each struggled with in the past, giving them stronger foundations on which to build.

I so appreciated the extra time I got to have with my children, better understanding their areas of weakness and strengths – if they understood something, we moved on; if they didn’t, we simply ‘parked’ there until they did. It was very fulfilling, and I am glad we have it in our memory bag of experiences.

As wonderful as I ended up thinking homeschooling was, the four of us sitting around our dining room table left very little chance for any of us to meet people and make friends; since we hadn’t gone back to the first school, our younger kids were still relatively friendless; so we agreed, they needed to go to school. God allowed Mark and I to find a marvelous school for them the following year.

I still look fondly back at that year; I realized that had I allowed my fear of the unknown to stop us from trying this, we would have missed out on SO much! I discovered in a very intimate and tangible way that I serve an AWESOME God – and if He is calling me, He will also equip me.

Was it always easy? Certainly not! But was it worth every stretch mark of growth I saw in my life as a result? You bet it was!

Sometimes the idea of trying something out of our comfort zone can cripple us…but God wants us to be willing to venture out into arenas in our lives that He is beckoning us to join Him, trusting that He is with us and can carry us through.

Are there areas you’ve opened up to God to stretch you so He can build your faith deeper? Are you fearfully holding back from walking through a door God has opened for you? Let’s talk…you know – between friends.



Waiting on God’s Timing…Always an Adventure!


God presented more chances for us to rely on His timing, as we had to wait for our house to sell. This meant that the kids and I stayed behind in Wisconsin for 8 months, while Mark lived out in California, searching the area, learning the job and coming home to see us every other weekend.

There were still days during this stretch that were difficult and lonely, especially for Mark. He was the pioneer, exploring on his own, missing his family and all that was familiar; at least the rest of us were in a holding pattern in our own comfortable home and familiar routine. Not to say that we were just sitting around taking it easy; no, I was saddled with the enormous (read: impossible) task of keeping our home presentable for an entire 8 months.

Selling a house with five young children who don’t stop living just because there’s a sign in the front yard inviting strangers to enter at a moment’s notice was challenging, let me tell you! I learned in a hurry some pretty creative ways to hide clutter as realtors would call giving me a 5 minute notice and were walking up our sidewalk; and struggled through numerous times we spent hours cleaning the entire house only to have a scheduled showing cancel at the last minute. There were times I wondered if God was paying attention to all the hard things we were going through – this was supposed to be an adventure, wasn’t it? Well then, where was the fun??

More than one conversation was filled with doubt and “did we make the right choice?” kinds of questions. Again and again, we reminded each other that God never promised that ‘easy’ would be part of the equation of walking in trust and faith.

My faith deepened through that valley; God showed Himself faithful again and again, and I knew He hadn’t left us…we just needed to wait on His timing. Philippians 4:19: “My God will supply all your needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus” Well how deep is that supply?? Endless! I just needed to be patient and wait trustingly.

Finally, right at the end of that school year, our house sold – it was perfect timing really; the kids were able to finish school and a week later, the movers came. We were going to be able to spend the entire summer searching for a new house, hopefully getting settled before school started fresh for the kids again in the fall ~ Thank you Lord!

Mark flew home to help wrap up details, and, eagerly, we made our Good-byes to our loved ones with tears and trepidation and embraced the new adventure that lay before us.

Are there times you feel like God’s timing is all off? Sometimes it helps when we take a look back over our shoulder to see His faithfulness to us in the past…to build our faith stronger for the unknown future we are facing. Can you remember a time of God’s faithfulness in your life? Let’s talk…you know – between friends.



California Here We Come!


In 2008, our family moved from Wisconsin to northern California for my husband Mark to take a new job with a wonderful company. The opportunity came out of left field for us; Mark had applied and interviewed for a position that would have kept us in Wisconsin; it came down to him and an internal candidate.

The company felt they needed to go with the other guy for loyalty sake – something we fully appreciated. However, Mark had impressed them through the interview process and they said they would find him a job – if we were willing to move out to corporate – something definitely not on our radar screen! By God’s grace, they granted us sufficient time to mull this incredible opportunity over.

Every step of the way, I remember feeling like no matter what concern I would bring to God’s attention, he would answer with a resounding “Go.”

Our first big area of concern was what would it be like to raise a family in a coastal area with no yards? That prayer was answered in a phone call inviting Mark and I to take a trip out to the area for a few days to see if we “could picture raising our family there”. Remarkable! So we flew out – marveling at how God was orchestrating the details for us.

The company hired a tour guide to drive us around. On the morning of the 3rd day, both feeling quite discouraged because everything we had seen thus far wasn’t very ‘family friendly’, we prayed over our hotel breakfast “Lord, you know our hearts, we really were hoping to be able to take this job, but everything we have seen isn’t the kind of life we ever pictured for raising our kids. We only have these few hours left Lord, before we get on that plane this afternoon. If you want this for us, please show us something we can envision for our family.”

Our guide walked into the lobby, ready to go. Mark, who had been up most of the night researching local real estate, showed him his laptop and asked him “where would we find a house like this one?” It was a pretty house, within our price range, showing a bit of green grass around it.

He looked at it, shrugged his shoulders and said “hmm, East Bay – I’ve never heard of that – well, let’s put it in my GPS and find out.”

On our 40-minute drive out of the city, we went through a tunnel – and emerged on the other side to the sight of green, rolling hills! There were parks and whole neighborhoods with grassy yards and lots of children playing and riding bikes!

Our guide commented “Wow – I’ve lived in the Bay area for over 15 years and never knew any of this was here!” Mark and I got on the plane that afternoon elated over the possibilities!

We felt like God was directing our path in such specific ways, and, after that, we were out of excuses; so we accepted the golden opportunity with excitement, being sure to include our kids in all that God was doing to help us move forward.

Still, another issue was the pay – the job, though certainly more than he had been making, wouldn’t fully cover the additional costs of living in the more expensive state. I tentatively brought this to the Lord in prayer; a couple days later, the man who would be Mark’s new boss called him saying, “I need to let you know that you won’t be reporting to me – I gave my notice to follow a dream of opening my own small business. So you’ll report to Carol until she fills the position.” A few days later, that call was followed by one from Carol, “Mark, I’ve been looking over your resume, and you really have more skills and experience than the job you were considering so I’d like to offer you his old job instead. It comes with more pay, of course.”

Whoa Lord…crazy right??

By now we knew without question that we needed to do this – to fully put ourselves out there, trusting that God would take care of us. How could we instruct our precious kids that following and trusting God in all things is the right way to live if we weren’t willing to follow that truth ourselves?

No, we didn’t know anyone out there – but God did!

No, we weren’t sure where exactly we would go to church or school or any of those things – but God did!

We were excited to test His full sufficiency – and the only way to do that was to remove ourselves from all we had ever known for forty years of life, and JUMP!

It was SO scary, but I didn’t want our comfort zone to be the dividing barrier between really truly relying on God for everything and just believing in it as a nice theory. What more could God show us if only we went willingly, trusting Him? And so, we decided to go to lands unknown (well, by us at least)

Isaiah 41:10 tells us, “Fear not, for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

Are there areas in your life that you don’t want to relinquish to God? What might be holding you back from letting go and letting God take control? Let’s talk…you know – between friends.




Flash: Catch the Latest News on Kitchen Sinks!


I really do know my way fairly well around a kitchen – but it might not always appear so, as this little story attests.

Helping for my first time with lunch duty at the school kitchen, I was washing dishes in the left of 3 very deep sinks. It was quite full of still fairly clean water after I had finished washing everything that had been sitting on the counter. I asked Dolores, who was in charge, if there were any more dishes to do; she said, “No, you can empty the sink out.”

Right then, I saw that middle sink had a few crumbs in the bottom, so rather than using the faucet and wasting fresh water, I cupped my hands and started to pour handfuls of the water from the full sink into the middle sink to wash them away.

Dolores watched me for a few seconds then said with not a little despair in her voice at what appeared to be the new nitwit they’d just gotten in to help with lunch duty, “Oh honey- you don’t have to do it that way- there is a little plug down in the bottom of the sink – you just have to pull it up and out!”

Vastly amused, I assured her that indeed, I knew about that handy little plug, and we enjoyed a moment of hearty laughter together as she understood what I was attempting to do. It brought to mind the words in Proverbs 17:22 “A joyful heart is good medicine…”

Followers of Christ ought to be the most Joy filled people around! God has granted us freedom from the bondage of fear, depression, anxiety; He has given us New life in Christ Jesus! What a wondrous thing!

That’s not to say that life doesn’t have burdens and difficulties, there’s no denying that it certainly does. But what is our response to those trials? Are we seeing them as opportunities to rely more heavily on God’s strength and trust that He has a plan for us, even right through the tough situation? Our Hope lies in a better place ~ Here on Earth where life has pain, we can trust God’s grace to carry us through, and after our life here, if we have placed our trust in Christ’s payment for our sin, we have the certain hope of a future in Heaven with Him forever! I pray this poem is a blessing and reminder for each of us who are followers of Jesus ~

What do you think when you see the plight

Of our fellow humans who suffer the blight

Of this earth and her troubles? Of pain and distress

Of disease and poverty, anguish and death?


As they wander and ponder the meaning of life,

Observe all the scandal, partake of the strife

They can glimpse of the beauty that lies all around

But have no understanding, no footing, no ground


They persist in the cycle but long to be free –

What must they think of you and of me

When they see that true JOY can exist in this place,

Despite all the trials and chaos and waste?


Are we fragrant? Inviting? Attractive? Or no –

Do we carry deep sorrow and reek of the woe

That they long to escape? I must ask this dear friend –

Does your life reflect hope for a better end?


Do we bask in God’s goodness despite earthly pain?

Trust that our Savior has a perfect plan?

Keep our eyes trained on heaven where eternity dwells?

Are we offering Hope while the world offers Hell?


This world’s pains are hard, prolonged and deep,

But for those without hope this is the best they will see –

Are we sharing our faith while there is still time?

Or getting bogged down in the muck and the grime?


Are we resting in Him when the storm swirls around?

Clinging to Him when our enemies hound?

Running to Him when lonely and scared?

Praying and soaking our mind in His Word?

Storing His Scriptures away in our hearts

When the enemy comes with his fiery darts?


Do we thank him – Yes – Thank Him for allowing us pain

That would tether us to Him again and again?

This is difficult – No: an Impossible task –

Except we have Jesus to whom we can ask

To Carry our burden and fix our eyes,

So our load becomes His   ~ He’s our Fortress and Prize!


Rejoice in the Gifts that His love has bought –

Oh friend – this is BIG – has your heart been caught?

We have The Answer, The Hope and The Key~

Are we sharing with prisoners that they can be free?


Bondage and heartache should not be the plight

For the child of Jesus who is offered delight –

Yes – delight that our troubles though hard and so deep,

Are temporary afflictions – they will not keep!


Our hope lies in a future place

Where pain does not live, where sorrows cease!

Where tests and tears do not abound,

Where heartache and death cannot be found!


Where His Will is done and perfection reigns,

Where Right does rule and joy remains!

This place does exist and it’s free to the one

Who would come to the cross and believe in The Son

Who has paid All the debt we owe for our sin –

Impossible yes – but not for Him!


He’s building a mansion – working details out –

And soon He will come back with a shout!

And take us home to be with Him there –

Can you picture it friend? Are you fixing your stare-

Toward the place we’ll reside forevermore?


No more death or mourning or crying or pain!

Where glory goes on and on and on!

Rejoice in this Truth and Share it with Men –

Who need to hear it again and again!


So I ask once more time – what does your life say?

Are you trusting in Jesus or throwing it away?

Get your eyes off your troubles, get your knees on the floor –

Seek Jesus – you’ll find Him – His grace ~ and Much more!


By sarah depledge






Spur One Another On


I remember a time not too long ago, in my husband’s life, when he was really feeling down. Some doors that he had held hope in had closed with finality, and he was discouraged by his thinking that his was destined to be a road of drudgery from that point forward.

Feeling very defeated, he told me that he “thought he had disappointed God” with his life.

 Holding a drastically opposing view, I wanted to be sure he wasn’t buying into the lie that Satan would have loved to see him purchase, so I wrote him a letter, part of which I’m printing here.

 “My Precious Mark ~ How it hurts to see you struggling and feeling like you somehow haven’t pleased God with your life – I don’t think you could be further from the Truth!  God has some very specific things He asks of men – and you have tried to follow them with a clean heart before Him. How can you not see that God is well pleased with you and the choices you have made in your life to follow him and to walk uprightly before him, to stay pure and faithful, to provide for your family and to be a man of integrity?

 You’ve exceeded my dreams in the kind of husband you have been and father to our children – you have taught by word and deed how to live the fruit of the spirit – you are a man who has feared God, revered and honored him, and you have seen his hand of grace on your life because of it.

 I know you have unfulfilled dreams – but our journey isn’t done yet! Don’t quit so quickly – you never know what’s around the bend in life!

 God could surprise us with some very exciting plans to shake up our cozy little world and grab hold of some wonderful opportunities still – some marvelous chances to use the gifts, skills, interests and abilities He has given us to use them for His Glory!

 I know this – as Paul said in Philippians 3:13-14, “But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

 How grateful I am that you have a heart that seeks after Godliness – how good has been to “run this race” with you by my side! Don’t get caught up in the traps that the world does my darling! We have a higher calling ~ with a much greater destiny ~ and best of all, God will be our strength to carry us through the heartaches of this life, and help us to grow and be stretched through them, to become more like His Son.

 You are my love, my delight, my gift from the very hand of God and I cherish you!

 Do not lose hope! Do not give up! Let’s keep running this race together – let’s press on, looking to see how else God may use hearts willing to live dangerously for Him!

I want my life to have zeal for him – to take a risk, be more willing to leave my comfort zone and trust Him to provide all we need!

 I don’t know exactly what that looks like, but I’m willing to pray about it, that God might use us – together – to do some wonderful things for His Kingdom and for His good Pleasure!

 You have so much to offer, Mark! Tremendous insight and wisdom, wonderful leadership qualities – God has given you much to use for Him – do not grow weary in doing good – Press on! Push forward! Keep on keeping on – and let’s see together what else God has in store for we who love him and are called according to His purposes at work in us!

 Thank you for making godly choices Mark – you’ve blessed our whole family in ways you may never fully know till Heaven ~ I count you as my most beloved friend. Sarah”

Life can be overwhelming ~ it’s full of twists and turns, unexpected disappointments and difficult burdens ~ That’s why as believers in Christ, we need to remind each other where our true hope lies! This life is short – it isn’t all there really is – reminds me of a song I wrote ~ Praying it encourages your heart to keep it’s focus where it belongs ~ on Christ and the Eternity that is in store for those who call themselves His followers!

Eternity is Coming

This life is short-it isn’t all there really is

So much lies ahead, for those who are His

Don’t hold on so tight to the dreams we have here ~

This world and its sorrows will one day disappear ~


Eternity is coming and it’s full of Hope!…. Joy!… Dreaming, doing, fulfilling and pursuing ~ Christ! No loss! No pain! All gain! We really can’t imagine!

So Don’t! Lose! Hope!

Hold on! Just wait! We’re nearly at the gate!


Am I growing and investing in the things I’ll take with me?:

Other people, love and joy, godliness and harmony?

Persisting in my troubles and allowing God to shape me through their pain?

To teach me more, his all-sufficient grace….


Eternity is coming and it’s full of Hope!…. Joy!… Dreaming, doing, fulfilling and pursuing ~ Christ! No loss! No pain! All gain! We really can’t imagine!

So Don’t! Lose! Hope!

Hold on! A little more ~ We’re nearly at the door!


Am I choosing to be joyful in what Christ has done for me?:

Giving his own life for payment so that sinners can go free ~

Or do I keep getting caught up in the miseries and trials that won’t last?

This time is almost past!


Eternity is coming and it’s full of Hope!…. Joy!… Dreaming, doing, fulfilling and pursuing ~ Christ! No loss! No pain! All gain! We really can’t imagine!

So Don’t! Lose! Hope!

Hold on! Don’t quit! Just cling to Jesus!


Am I using what I have now to make my foundation strong?

Sharing riches, loving others, choosing rightly over wrong?

Am I working toward the future, taking hold of The Life that is truly life?

It’s almost here!


Eternity is coming and it’s full of Hope!…. Joy!… Dreaming, doing, fulfilling and pursuing ~ Christ! No loss! No pain! All gain! We really can’t imagine!

So Don’t! Lose! Hope!

Hold on! Just wait! We’re nearly at the gate!


A breath ~ A wisp ~ A vapor and it’s gone…

It won’t be long ~ hold on ~ Cling to Jesus and hold on…

