Broken by pain, mended by God


Her confession that came to my ears delivered a crushing blow to my gut. Unsuspected. Unforeseen. Unbearable.

I was devastated.

Where could one even go from there? Where to find any hope? Any healing? 

The beginning of that journey brought me to my knees, renewed my trust in my Savior, and caused me to cling all the more to His Truths. Journaling was cathartic. And, it turned out, became the nugget at the core of a work of fiction, borne from our pain.

Still She Speaks, my first published work, was wrought from the discovery and the journey of healing that we went through with our precious daughter. God’s faithfulness surrounded us during those dreadfully dark months; my heart wavered between lamenting, and rejoicing. Some days, grief flooded hope. Other days, hope won. Pride toppled as I learned that even Love cannot forbid entry to sin. As a parent, I had to rethink the foundations of my trust – they’d been built on a flimsy platform of thinking “that couldn’t happen to us” and “my kids are doing great”. Truth came crashing in that day. And with it, the walls of pride fell down around me.

Oh – but HE is faithful! And together, we rebuilt my understanding of what it means to be a “Good Parent”. Instruction? Yes. Love? Certainly. But more than that – more than my modeling as best I could; more than serving and helping, praying and providing… Going deeper with God was a must. Trusting in His sovereign hand became my lifeline.

As I learned what it means to cling to Jesus, our daughter was also on her journey of healing and growing, and taking ownership of her own faith. As much as I wanted to – ached to! – have my ever deepening faith grafted into her own heart, I could not. It was something she was going to have to embrace on her own, and for herself. Thankfully, she did.

My journal sat on the shelf, successful in it’s initial goal of bringing me a sense of therapeutic healing. But in my spirit, I wondered, “Does God have a greater purpose in bringing us through this heartache? What if someone else can glean some encouragement from hearing this story?”

And so began the work that eventually became Still She Speaks. Overall, it is a work of fiction; certainly I draw a few things here and there to add the personal touches that make it mine; but mostly, it’s fiction. Excepting the core, the nugget that sits nestled in the middle of the story, poignantly reminding me that for all it’s highs and lows, characters and plots, joys, tears and sorrows – really, I guess, just like the timeline of life itself… we have a Hope, that the hurting world cannot understand. And His name is Jesus.

I pray that you are blessed hearing the back story of how this book came to be; and that you find tremendous blessing in reading my book. If you do, would you take a minute to share a word of how it ministered to you? Reviews left on and Barnes and are extremely helpful and very much appreciated! Thank you!

And if you have a word to share, or a journey you’ve been on that you have seen God’s faithfulness – let’s rejoice together! Or if you’re in the middle of a season of hurt, and need prayer – please leave a comment here – it would be my privilege to lift you up in prayer. (I won’t ever publish any comments that people prefer remain private – just mention it when you post)

May you be blessed, as we walk this journey of life, together. And let’s talk- you know – between friends.



Words of Wisdom


A letter I wrote recently to my children (edited for length). I pray it is a blessing to you, as well. If you have some words of wisdom you’d like to share, I would love to hear from you! Let’s talk – you know – between friends. 🙂

My precious children ~

This world is confusing. Noisy with congestion of thought and opinions that make it hard at times to know truth from falsity. The newest revelations demand to be hailed; but ground your understanding in God’s truth, and it will guide you always.

You will make mistakes. That’s part of life. Learn from them, and they won’t have been wasted.

Water the flowers. Enjoy God’s beauty. Be wary of your own. Do not let vanity be your downfall. Do not get too caught up in pleasing yourself, but lavish on others.

Love. Like. Avoid. Never hate, unless it is directed at Sin, not Sinners. We all have need of compassion, forgiveness and second chances. Be sure to offer all.

Find comfort in knowing that God knows the truth. Always. About everything. It will free you from the urge to fix everybody and everything.

Spend time more carefully than you would gold – money can be earned, Time alone is parceled in lots that cannot be purchased.

Swift is the Unexpected – it comes rushing in… don’t fear, but make the most of what you’ve been given.

Be aware that jumping out to frighten people can come back to haunt you.

Laugh deliciously… the kind where you roll on the floor in tremendous mirth feels the very best.

Tears are not to be feared. Nor scorned. In fact, tears can release pent up emotions … allow yourself a periodic cleansing, if needed.

Don’t skimp on good sleep nor good food. They are the fuels that drive the human body.

Use wrinkle cream.

Regrets are best avoided by applying wisdom and good sense.

Having said that, don’t let past regrets dominate your present or your future. It’s a tremendous waste of time and energy. Learn and move on. God can use both good and bad to shape us, if we let Him.

Balance is best achieved by putting God first, and letting everything else fall into line behind Him.

Good dental and hygienic care will never be out of fashion. If they are, don’t you participate.

Learn to do activities you don’t think you’ll enjoy: spending time with those you love is worth sacrificing your own pleasures. And who knows? You may discover a new interest.

Take up a new hobby periodically… the world is spilling over with a magnificent array of activities to enjoy, and you will be a more interesting person.

Appreciate diversity. God in His glorious splendor made people unique… we all bring a fresh perspective.

Listen with a heart that aims to please God and love people.

Discussion is best done by listening well, then speaking if you have something worthwhile to add.

If you’re not sure if you should say something, go with that impulse. It’s easier to stay silent than to take back a hasty word.

Read good books. Enrich your mind.

Kindness is never wrong.

Don’t worry… it does no good and robs you of joy.

Live cleanly, but partake in small indulgences – denying all delights will not help you embrace the understanding of God’s lavishness. He made the cocoa bean just as He made broccoli.

Do a thorough clean out periodically- just give stuff away. It blesses others and releases you from the burden of having to care for so much.

Gain wisdom from God’s Word. Gain empathy from observing those hurting around you. If you are able to, alleviate the suffering of others. But recognize that God has His purposes in allowing pain in life, as well. His Sovereignty should be our comfort.

Be charitable, hospitable, loving and loyal.

Walk humbly.

Develop a few skills that you can quickly employ to bless others – a meal, a dessert, a Bible verse memorized, a stash of cards to mail- think and plan ahead.

Trust is a precious gift: do not trample any given to you.

Never be too rushed to see the beauty around you. Loveliness in all its forms come from God’s good hand. Let His poetry speak to your heart and the richness of His beautiful creation dazzle your soul.

Never be afraid to sing out loud and let your voice mingle with that of the angels.

Cultivate a myriad of interests that express your uniqueness and you will never be bored.

Keep an eye out for the lonely.

Simple action is better than eloquent emptiness.

Kindness to animals is a must.

Never harm others on purpose.

Live purposefully. Set goals. Aim for some things and don’t let naysayers deny you your dreams.

Embrace whimsy. It is a light hearted innocence that can turn dreary days into delight.

A sincere apology is quickly done. Asking forgiveness is the best way to discover if your apology was accepted.

Look people in the eye when you speak to them, but do not stare at those who are different from you.

Learn to see people’s hearts from their actions, before you judge based on their outside.

When you fail, do not quit. Attempting and failing is part of the human experience, and it brings more of a thrill to finally Succeeding.

Ask God’s guidance before you rise, for His mercy and loving kindness. Spend time daily with Him and marvel in the awesome fact that The Almighty wishes to have a relationship with us!

Wipe your feet at the door and save yourself unnecessary work.

Only find shortcuts that don’t jeopardize quality. Remember – Excellence in all you do- do not hasten. Don’t worry, God has already measured out all the days needed for you to get done whatever He’s called you to do, so take time to do things well and as unto Him.

Remember back to those who have helped you and acknowledge with affection all who walk alongside you. Take time to say Thank You. We are all on the journey- be patient.

Learn a few good jokes that can be pulled out as needed.

Make your bed each day. It will get you started in the right direction.

There is a difference in Being and Becoming. Being is how one is; becoming allows for growth and change… Be someone who is Becoming more like Jesus.

Use the time you’ve been given to share with others — if you’ve found something that brings a smile, or relief, hope or help, a joy or a sweet encouragement – share it. Keeping something for oneself alone can never bring the soul satisfaction that God designed that sharing can.

My final hope is this: knowing how much I love you and treasure the gift that parenting each of you has been, will you show me this last kindness and forget anything I may have said or done, that didn’t line up with these words here? My prayer is that you would see my heart for you, and forgive my foibles and shortcomings, remembering only the deep love I have for you, and that in your mind, you might preserve just the good, and with a gentle puff of breath, blow away any hurts that may linger from past foolishness on my part. Know this – I love you. I say to you now, if I could go back and do it all again, I would, with a hearty “Amen!”, and with great delight for such a chance as to relive this life with you, my precious ones.

Keep your chin up and your eyes fixed on Jesus, do not forget what you’ve been entrusted with – a heritage that points to Jesus as our only hope and Savior. Do not squander what you’ve been given. And remember this: we will glory in heaven together forever.
All my love to each of you– Mom

For the Lord is righteous, he loves justice; upright men will see his face. Psalm 11:7


True Christmas Joy by Sarah Depledge


“Come along, my son- hurry along, my son,

Try to keep up with me.

We have a shop or two we’ll pop into,

Then Santa we’ll go see.”


He toddled right beside her,

Just above her knee,

He clutched onto her finger

And stared wide-eyed with glee.


Meager clothing labeled him

As a needy boy;

He was unaware of this,

And watched the world with joy.


She bagged some orange carrots

And bartered with the grocer,

“This pepper has a squishy spot-

Might you, please, take less, sir?”


They wove through mobs of shoppers,

And looked up at the tree,

Strings of lights and ribbons

Cascaded merrily.


Every branch bore ornaments,

Amid bright, sparkling lights,

The little boy stared wonderingly

As he beheld the sights.


He sat on Santa’s lap and shared

That he had just turned three,

Excited for the lollipop-

“Look what he gave me!”


His mother smiled as Santa said,

“You be both kind and good.”

He nodded and he promised:

He would do just as he should.


They walked on home and put the bag

Of vegetables away,

She started making supper,

While he began to play.


He made a lovely picture,

Drawn by his own hand.

She smiled and tied it on their tree,

With string to a bare strand.


“But Mama, it is all we have

Hanging on our tree.

The one we saw was jammed with things –

And it was so pretty.”


He pointed with his finger,

“That only fills an empty spot.”

She pulled him close and kissed him,

“With love we don’t need a lot.”


“Christmas belongs to everyone

Whether rich or poor;

It’s not about a tree, or things

You purchase at a store.


Christmas celebrates Jesus’ birth

And the gift He brought,

When He paid for all our sins,

And became the gift, for us.”


He climbed into his rickety chair,

Folded his hands and prayed,

“Thank you, God, for our food,

And for this day You made.”


They ate their simple meal.

Worriedly she said,

“I wish I had more to give you –

Some meat, perhaps some bread.”


“I’m fine, Mama, really.

May I get down and play?”

“Indeed”, she said and kissed his head,

Blessed by his sweet way.


After a bit, she told him,

My son, it’s time to sleep.”

He yawned and gave her a big hug,

And crawled under the sheet.


She tucked the fabric round him

Trying to keep out the cold,

“I wish you had a blanket-

This sheet’s so worn and old.”


Assuring her, he touched her hand,

“I’m fine, Mama- toasty hot…

Besides, it’s like you said-

With love, we don’t need a lot.”


A tear fell down her cheek

That she quickly brushed away.

She laid beside her little boy,

And she began to pray,


“Dear God, I want to thank You,

For your many gifts to me.

For food to eat- even for this sheet-

And your gift on Calvary.”


The years passed swiftly, hard and lean,

All with little ease.

He grew up and she grew old,

A victim of disease.


Over time the difficult

Hardship took its toll;

She watched sadly as his joy,

The thief called Anger, stole.


She grew weak and he grew cold,

And deeper in despair.

In his temper at her fate,

He raged, “It is not fair!”


But her lips would only praise,

Despite her need and pain,

“Son, God has been so good to me,

Why should I complain?”


“Good?” he snarled, “Good, you say?

How can you believe?

We went without- I have my doubt

If God cares that we grieve.


The hardships of this world are cruel-

You suffer needlessly.

You may choose to trust in God-

I don’t – just let me be.”


In protest and in pleading,

She tried to help him see,

“My son, don’t grieve this life I leave –

Put a smile on your face for me.”


“Remember the truth you learned from youth

Of all that I have taught –

If we trust in Jesus’ gift of love

We really don’t need a lot.”


He could not give this joy to her

For destruction in his heart,

Had deepened over several years…

Soon, this life she did depart.


Alone and angry with the world,

The loss of her he felt.

Fed by his bitter, lonely lot,

His anger would not melt.


He employed every moment

Into money making schemes;

Clever thoughts and constant work

Turned reality from dreams.


Though rich with wealth, and good in health,

He enjoyed not his new treasure:

He harbored anger from his past

And rarely enjoyed pleasure.


Stiff and stingy, mean and hard

He cared not for another.

Lonely, dark and brooding,

He thought not about his mother.


One day he was walking home,

His usual, surly way

When he heard a little boy

To his mother say,


“Oh, Mama, please don’t worry-

My tummy is full enough-

I love you, and it’s like you say,

‘With Jesus, we don’t need ‘stuff.'”


The man gasped as he remembered,

Words from long before,

That expressed his faith in Jesus,

Despite pain at his door.


He glimpsed the boy whose simple trust

Pierced through his bitter haze:

Love shone like a beacon

From the mother’s smiling gaze.


Crippled and in clear need,

The pair stood close together,

Hands clasped in prayerful trust

A sweet boy and his mother.


Much in need of earthly things,

But Faith their biggest treasure;

The man’s convicted heart

Warmed a noticeable measure.


Contrite, he felt a tear

Coursing down his face;

How had he let all his hurt

Let all his joy, erase?


Hadn’t his mother’s example been

To trust in God above?

Despite the heartaches of this world,

To have faith in Jesus’s love?


New softness shone upon his face,

A smile replaced his frown

He almost became giddy,

Touched by the hope he’d found.


He dug into his pockets,

Gave them all that he had there,

“Thank you, sir! May God be praised!

And bless you for your care!”


He danced a little step,

His eyes – they twinkled brightly,

He tipped his hat, light-hearted,

And walked the street more sprightly.


Freed from hate’s dark bondage,

He raised his voice in praise,

“I’d forgotten what joy feels like!”

He marveled, in a daze.


He greeted those around him,

Gave to all with generous heart;

Lightened from his burden:

He’d been granted a fresh start.


A few nights later on Christmas Eve,

He was kneeling near her grave.

“Mother, thank you for the life you led,

And for the love you gave.”


The tears that fell upon the stone

Bearing record of her name,

Were softened by his gentle cry,

And his heartfelt shame.


“It took a while for me to learn

What you tried to teach,

This life is hard, but we have hope,

That’s far beyond death’s reach.


I wish it hadn’t taken me

So long to embrace the truth;

I came tonight to thank you,

For teaching me from youth.


You were right – it is true

Now Jesus is my Savior.

I trust in him alone,

And rejoice in his favor.


Know some day I’ll join you and

Be blessed, oh, Mother, dear,

For I have learned to trust in God

Now, death I do not fear.


Late I come, with this last hope –

That somehow you may see,

The smile on my face you wished,

But I would not grant thee.”


Like windows into Heaven,

Stars were twinkling in the night,

And he imagined she gazed down

At him with great delight.


He left there with a firmer step,

And comfort on his part.

For he was sure his mother knew

That Love had pierced his heart.


He thought back to the words of Christ

He’d heard from long ago,

Wishing he hadn’t forgotten

Or time had wasted so:


“Peace I leave you, peace on Earth;

Not like the world can give-

Let all who come to Me have rest,

And all who come, will Live.”


So, this Christmas season,

May Joy be in your heart,

For we have hope beyond the grave,

Through Christ, a brand-new start!


~ sarah depledge






Roots of Bitterness


I listened carefully and with sympathy to the woman who shared her story of pain. There was room for legitimate grief in what she had experienced. But the thing I began to hear the most was the thread of bitterness woven through her narrative. Years earlier she had been neglected, abused, misused, and unfairly treated. She had suffered at the hand of someone she had trusted. And she blamed God.

As I sat there, a phrase jumped into my mind that my dear Mom used to use with us girls: Mental Attitude Sin. I remember if one of us shared a woeful tale of some hurtful situation, she would listen and let us unburden ourselves; but it stopped there. “That was a painful thing you endured. But now you need to let it go and not let it develop into a sinful mental attitude on your part, honey.” Boy those were painful lessons.

There were times I felt like she didn’t understand. Couldn’t I soak just a little in the luxury of harboring anger toward the one who had wronged me? Nope – not with our Mom. She would remind us that self-pity parties were dangerous events to host, because they appeal to our fleshly desire to wallow instead of heal, to let it fester instead of forgive, and can build a thick wall that hardens us to the truth of how to become truly FREE.

All these years later, I am very thankful for her Godly wisdom. So many people are trapped by the stranglehold of bitterness. Yes, there are hard and painful circumstances that are wrong, cruel and sinful; but life isn’t always easy, and God expects us to come running to Him with our burdens and hurts, not to nurse them into reasons to become angry.

When we allow the pain to fester, we are hurting ourselves most. The definition of the word fester is: to rot, mold, decay, putrefy, rankle, smolder, gnaw away, spoil, deteriorate. Is that really something we want taking root in our hearts and minds??

Hebrews 12:15 tells us, “See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.” Roots are underground, out of sight, but left undisturbed, they grow and the “fruit” becomes evident. The fruit of the root of bitterness is resentment, heartache and left unchecked, hardness of heart.

So what is the solution? What should our response be to difficulty in life?

Hebrews 12:7-11, “Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father? If you are not disciplined (and everyone undergoes discipline), then you are illegitimate children and not true sons. Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of our spirits and live! Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”

Oh my dear sister, isn’t that wonderful news to hear?! I rejoice in the truth that God has designed even the hard things of life to become tools for good in His masterful hand!

If we willingly submit, even to painful circumstances, asking God to help us, and keep us soft and pliant for His glory, He will help us to endure – and bring us to the place where the “fruit” of righteousness and peace are produced in our lives. That gives me such hope.

This life is short – for the follower of Jesus, we have the hope of better things to come! Are we using the time we have here on Earth to forgive and release people from their sins against us, and to build a healthy and reverent submission to God? Or, are we working on making our root of bitterness stronger by staying out of God’s word and resisting His gentle prompting to come to Him to experience His healing comfort?

It’s a choice each person must decide for themselves.

What is your choice? Let’s talk – you know – between friends.



The Power of Words


Caught off guard? Absolutely. Left speechless? Completely.

A group of women I regularly gather with to pray, surprised me with making one of our gatherings incredibly special – For ME. I was in on the idea of making one of our weeks a bit more special by each bringing a dish to pass and meeting at one of our ladies’ lovely home. However, I was not informed of the actual purpose of this meeting – to celebrate the recent launch of my first published book, Still She Speaks. Talk about blown away.

These precious women ministered to me in such a profound way, and I am fairly sure they didn’t even know it.

Last to arrive, I hastily assembled the veggie pizza I had brought to contribute. Feeling bedraggled, I was slow to notice a couple of copies of my book on the counter, like a centerpiece arranged amongst the delicious foods. Then, gathered in a circle, their words of love poured over me, as each one shared something they thought of when they thought of me. Then they prayed a beautiful prayer over me, that ministered to my very soul.

For those of you who have read this blog for a while and know me at all, you won’t be surprised to hear that  the whole experience did me in. Tears flowed, and only by exercising great control was I able to keep it to a trickle rather than a torrent.

I just sat under the flood of their words of praise and felt so completely undone. Because anything that I am, is only because of the work of Jesus Christ in my life. He gets ALL of the praise. He gets ALL of the glory. Without Him, I am nothing. With Him, He gives me the unbelievable privilege of sharing in the joy that comes from living a life rooted in Him.

Ephesians tells us, “But because of his great love for us, God who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions- it is by grace you have been saved…and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God- not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” (2:4,5,8-10)

Oh my dear sister, isn’t that incredible? I marvel that God chooses to not only lavish on us all grace and wisdom and strength, when we are all so undeserving; but then He also allows us to share in the blessing of ministry, using the very gifts He gave us?! It’s simply Amazing! And I tell you – It’s ALL Him!

So those dear ladies, sharing such priceless words of affirmation with me, were only identifying what they see in me because of Christ at work in me. And it was powerful.

It reminds me that I need to be more purposeful in telling those around me what a blessing they are to me.

What an awesome gift to give someone – the gift of letting people know that we can see Christ at work in their lives, and are blessed by them. 

How might your encouragement spur on the hearer in your midst? Could it cause them to feel revived and ready to press on? Re-invigorated to love with Christ’s love? Strengthened to continue on in a difficult relationship or a hard trial? We may never know until Eternity the power of our words; but we can be sure that God wants us to use them well.

The writer of Hebrews says, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.”

In that kitchen, basking in the glow of friendship and celebration over God’s goodness and lavish love, my friends took the opportunity to ‘spur me on’.

What about you? Do you have a time when you were encouraged that God was using you to bless others? Is there someone in your life you feel prompted to share with, to let them know that you have been ministered to through them? Why not do it Today, and see the truth of Proverbs 25:11 at work…

Let’s talk…you know – between friends.







Once in awhile, I find myself saying things that dismay me. It shouldn’t be that hard – after all, I am the gatekeeper to my own mouth, right? So how can any words sneak past my lips, that I flinch about too late?

Recently I had that experience – the words were barely off my tongue when I was already regretting them – but, they were too late to take back, and no handy excuse could possibly explain my plain-out rudeness…and it troubled me. In fact, not only did the conviction of my ungracious words haunt me for the rest of the day, they prevented me from sleeping soundly that night.  The next morning, I knew I needed to “make things right” before I did anything else.

I composed an email to the people I had carelessly offended, and did not try to hide behind any excuses because, well, there simply weren’t any. I confessed my rude behavior and told them I was so sorry, humbly asking their forgiveness.  And the guilt started to lift.

I eagerly checked my inbox for their response, praying they would offer me the grace I didn’t deserve, but so desperately needed. When their reply came, it was exactly what a Christ-follower’s words should be: Kind and seasoned with gentleness and compassion. Tremendous relief flooded my heart!

Forgiven! Is there any greater word in the English language than that? It is what God offers all of us sinners who repent and confess our sin to Him, embracing the gift of Jesus for our forgiveness and salvation.

It is what we need to extend to one another when we offend one another. And it gives a palpable relief when it is offered and accepted.

We are reminded in Ephesians 4:1-3, “As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” and 4:32, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

I am so thankful for the work of the Holy Spirit; He guides me, convicting me of my ugly sin when necessary, and helping me do the things I know I ought to do… and what a wonderful feeling when we obey His gentle prodding in our hearts! Freedom from guilt and worry, and freedom to carry on in our calling to follow Jesus, not perfectly, but growingly.

Is there anyone in your life that you need to ask forgiveness from? It is a wonderful feeling when we confess our offenses, seeking forgiveness from those we have hurt. Has someone hurt you and asked your forgiveness and perhaps you’ve resisted offering it, preferring instead to hold them hostage to the guilt they carry? God asks us to forgive as we have been forgiven – freely, quickly, and in all things.

This life isn’t always easy. There are many blocks to stumble over; but God has made a way for us to get back on the right path, following Him. That is where Victory is. Let’s spur one another on to love and forgiveness. And let’s talk…you know – between friends.


Choosing the Better way


It’s that time of year again: a flurry of graduation notices nestle in mailboxes, tassels are ordered, gowns prepped, excitement at what lies just around the corner fills the air… I remember the day our firstborn was graduating from High School. It was a hectic day, with lots going on. She brought me her blue gown, “Mom, could you please iron this? It has some wrinkles on the front.”  I took it, hesitatingly. My skill sets do not include using a hot iron. “Um, honey. Are you sure we can’t just sort of shake them out?” I looked hopefully at her. She laughed. “Mom, it just needs a couple passes with the iron. I would do it, but I have to finish getting ready. Thank you!” She gave me a peck on the cheek and dashed back upstairs. I sighed. “Ok, let’s get this done.”

I followed everything I knew about ironing: plug in the machine and let it get hot. That was the extent of my knowledge on the subject. As it heated, I started humming, excited for the day. I spread the blue material out on the counter, and lay the iron over the worst of the offending wrinkles, pressing lightly and quickly. To my utter horror, a hole appeared in the delicate fabric – it had melted right through it! What had I done!?

“Oh no!” I cried out. Mark and our four other children gathered around to see the damage, as Hannah also ran into the room. “What’s wrong?” “Oh honey, I can’t believe this! Look! Oh Hannah, I’m so sorry! What are we going to do?!” I wrung my hands, tears streaming down my face, as I held the ruined gown, showing them the hole, the size of a giant strawberry, right on the front panel in plain sight for all to see. I was devastated. I had ruined not only the gown, but the Day. The day that was supposed to be filled with promise and hope, excitement and laughter, beauty ~ and lots of pictures. And now, all of that was going to be ruined – just because of my ineptitude. Tears didn’t fully convey the pain in my heart as I held out the evidence of my inadequacies to my daughter. I waited for her to cry in dismay, too, but instead, she took the gown and set it on the counter. She gave me a hug and gently assured me, “Mom, it’s ok. Please don’t worry about this. I can still wear it – it’s not the end of the world.”

What? It would be ok? How?? Hadn’t I ruined all chance of that with my carelessness? She hugged me again, “I love you. And this doesn’t matter. It’s just a gown. I’m still graduating, right? It’s all ok.”

Her sweet words of encouragement hit the intended target, as I dried my tears.

I remember feeling such pride in our girl that day. Not only for her achievements in finishing well her scholastic goals; but even more, for her sweet, gentle expression of forgiveness and love when I truly needed to hear it.

Her response reminds me of the verses in I Peter 3:3-4, “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.”

I doubt that too many people noticed the hole in her gown that day, but I sure did. And I teared up with joy at her God-honoring response as she crossed the stage to receive her diploma, radiant and lovely.

The following year, our second daughter was graduating. I offered to buy her a new gown to replace the one with the hole in it. Abby smiled, “That’s ok, Mom. I kind of want to use that one. It has a special meaning now, you know?” Oh my! Really? Tears filled my eyes as she hugged me. Talk about the gift of encouragement!

This year, our third beautiful girl is graduating. I assured her that it wouldn’t be wrong to purchase a new gown, but she too has opted to use the “special gown” over replacing it with a new one. It’s almost become a badge of honor. May I tell you what a joy it is to this mama’s heart to see that my daughters are all choosing to place more emphasis on the day than the accouterments of it? Each time I see that gown, I think of the road that we could have headed down, full of anger and frustration, bitterness at broken dreams… but instead, it has become a symbol of a better way that was chosen: letting go of all insult and offense, and replacing it with love and forgiveness.

If you’re blessed to see our daughter Lydia stride across the stage to receive her diploma in just a few weeks, you may notice a gaping hole on the front panel of her gown. Now that you know the story behind it, I pray that you are blessed and that you smile a bit, as you’ll surely see me doing.

Do you have a story to share of a time when you, or someone in your life chose a better way, that had ripple effects of blessing?  I encourage you to share it… Let’s talk…you know – between friends. 🙂



Honk if You Trust Jesus


It had been a tough couple weeks. Various challenges had sapped my energy, and taken some of my joy, leaving weariness in its place. Our finished basement had flooded for a 2nd time since the neighbor had built her house; the massive financial investment of a commercial type sump pump we finally installed now promised it should never happen again – this thing could do everything except wash my dishes!…but the clean up had left me discouraged. “Why, God?” was an all too often complaint in my mind. His silence in providing me with an explanation made me pout a bit.

One of our precious daughters was facing a heart wrenching difficulty that was not of her own doing, and was no small matter and had no end in sight; who amongst us suffers well the agony of watching our beloved children suffer? I surely do not, and the heartache was taking it’s toll.

Various friends, needing encouragement seemed to line up at the door – I found myself handing out Bible verses like candy on Halloween ~ those committed to memory were texted, emailed and prayed. As the days stretched into weeks, I scoured the Scriptures for ones not as familiar, but none-the-less, assuring.  Digging deeply in God’s Word and being in prayer became an almost constant state for me… I conversed with God endlessly, about this one and that one, this situation and that situation… We hadn’t yet seen the end of any of the stories, but we were working hard to keep trusting God with ALL of them, knowing He is Faithful and Loves us!

So it was that I found myself behind a truck the other day. The sign on the back informed me that this was no ordinary business: this, was a Goose Control Specialist.  I know: most of you are saying, “yeah, so what?” But you must understand – I don’t think like most sensible people.  I was like, “Wow…I wonder what an out-of-control goose looks like?” I started chuckling as I tried to picture it (it wasn’t too hard for me) – Was he the unruly one in the pond? Guilty of impolite water play? An indiscriminate leaver of unpleasant droppings?  I imagined what the khaki clad worker might do to bring such situations under control… Perhaps squatting on a hollow log to confer with the said goose about his bad behavior? How might he restore order to the chaos? Hold trainings for appropriate good goose behavior? Offer rewards like a pass to swim at some swanky lake exclusive to other water fowl?

Well, God knew how tightly I must have been bound; clearly I was in need of a good cleansing laugh (tears had been the prevailing symptom as of late) and laugh I did.  What started as a chuckle turned to guffaws fairly quickly as I roared at the thoughts coursing my brain, as I drove down the highway.  Surely other drivers, seeing me alone and in such hilarity, must have begun flipping their radio dial searching for whatever it was that had me laughing so heartily! Ahhh, the joy of a good laugh! After a few minutes, I settled down; a few more chuckles escaped; clearly here was a ‘goose’ in need of some “control measures” herself  🙂

Oh, the Joy God wants us to have, dear fellow believers! Life has a way of handing us some unexpected, painful things; and God doesn’t want that to steal our Joy!

Truly as we walk through disappointment and sickness and sorrows, trials, temptations and tears – life can be overwhelming and daunting – but Praise the Lord! He’s erased All our Fears! We can Rejoice! He is GOOD! and His love endures Forever! We have an Unbelievable Future if we have placed our trust in Jesus for our Salvation! So why are we so quick to forget, and surrender our Joy? The writer of Hebrews reminds us in chapter 10: “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

I pray that while reading this, you might have found a renewed hope that our ever-loving God wants us to have a sweet freedom from the temptation to feel defeated – even through trials we may face… Nothing is Too Big for Him to handle – and He loves to hear us praising Him in the middle of the storm…

Do you have a story that would encourage others? Or, do you need someone to pray with you, through one of the heartaches you are facing? Let’s talk about it ~ you know – between friends!




All Things Beautiful


“The Clock, knowing full well it was to be the last week the family would have together for a long while, pushed itself to it’s limits to speed along in a reckless frenzy, popping the minutes off in a well-rehearsed, methodical way…Alas, when only a handful remained, it sounded tauntingly: the entire stretch of days was gone. Once again, Time had lacked any patient sympathy. It simply wasn’t in it’s nature to dawdle.”

I wrote the above little ditty toward the end of the time we had with our two oldest home for break. Even as I lamented the quick passing of time to spend with them, I was rejoicing that they are both in a marvelous season of learning and preparing for their futures.

It is exciting to watch our children venturing out on their own, exploring all that God has planned for them!

As a mom, sometimes my heart wants to hold too closely to the present, and not let go… but then, I would miss out on all the marvelous things that are to come!
Isn’t it such a comfort to know that God makes all things beautiful in His time…Ecclesiastes 3:11 reminds us that we cannot see or know all that He is doing and has done, from beginning to end. We serve an infinite God, who is powerful, and omniscient – and loving. We need to fully trust Him, and not lean on our own feeble understanding.
Let’s lean in to our ever-loving God and thank Him for Today, and trust him with tomorrow… for we can’t see what He’s doing, but we know it will be Glorious!
Do you ever struggle with wanting to hold on to the way things are, and resist changes that are coming? Let’s talk… you know – between friends.
