Quirky Characters in The Family


We’re all so different, aren’t we? I find it humorous to see how, though all from the same ‘root origins’, our own five kids are so unique. 

For example, if I am seeking guidance on something I’ve written, our beautiful daughter, Hannah, the eldest, will preface her thoughts by saying, “Ok mom, this is just my honest feedback, ok? I don’t want to hurt your feelings.” Then, with three more assurances of her dedication and love, she will be totally candid with me, offering praise along with some truly helpful advice.

Whereas our lovely daughter, Abby, second born, will say “Oh! I love it!” before I’ve even fully delivered it. She’s the one who uses emoji excessively (just like her mom – a fellow middle child.)  She doesn’t want to venture into an area that may even remotely come off as critical, a trait which I believe stems back to a minor life-forming event in her past – something I’ll share with you in a future post.

Then there’s Lydia. Our beautiful third daughter will give it a cursory glance and reply, “Hmmm, I don’t know. But what do you think of my new scarf?” She’s a delightful, witty girl who knows I highly value her opinion, so if I push just a little, she’ll give it up.

Next, our dear boys. Andrew, the older of the two will say with a bit of panic before he even reads it, “You’re not talking about me in here, are you?” He’s at that age where just bringing up his existence is grounds for embarrassment. But if you can get him to share, he has some amazing perceptiveness.

Finally our Noah, the youngest of our little tribe. Charming, delightful – so much like his mother – oops! Did I say that out loud? Well, we have similar interests, he and I.  He’ll read what I wrote, gladly offer a helpful bit of insight along with a hug, and run off to do something fun.  He is only 11 after all!

Each so unique. Each so uniquely gifted. Precious treasures from God’s hand to Mark and me.

Through the years as I’ve watched their personalities emerge, I’ve delighted in how awesomely creative God is, and it has served to remind me how diverse God’s family is as well.

If we have our ‘root origin’ – our faith placed squarely in Jesus’s work for us on the cross, we are in the Family of God.  Each with our own eccentricities, quirks, temperaments and perspectives. Each beloved by our Heavenly Father.

It gives me pause and reminds me: God wants us to work out our differences, give grace to one another and embrace the qualities each of us brings to our family of fellow believers.

I Corinthians 12:12 and 25, encourages us with these words, “The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ….so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other.”

Do you find it easy to value other believers in your world who may hold differing viewpoints on non-sin issues, or is this an area of struggle for you? How can we spur one another on to let those differences among us become strengths that bind us instead of separating us? Let’s talk…you know – between friends.


Pearly Whites to Pearls of Wisdom


I got to go to everyone’s favorite place the other day – the Dentist!…Ok, not so much my favorite. But, I have to say, I came out of there with more than just some pearly whites – I came out with a pearl of wisdom!

Let me share: So the dental hygienist got me seated in “the chair” and put me at a really crazy angle. I mean she had me at such an slope I thought I should be buckled in – my feet were practically hitting the ceiling! (ok, maybe not quite, but still…)

She asked “Is this ok?”

As you know from my previous post (you did read my previous post, right??) the smart aleck in me usually stays buried, so though my mouth didn’t move, my head responded, “Well yes, if your goal is for my head to slide right into your lap over the next few minutes, then yes, this ought to work just fine.”

As I looked up and studied my shoes way above my head through my cool sunglasses, (ok, they’re not cool, but the way I cope with having to wear them is by tricking myself) I realized: I do not like going to the dentist.

Especially since, at the end of her play time in my mouth, where she was scraping and poking and wounding me, she informed me “you know, I could have used a topical to numb you up…” Yeah, that would have been some good information to have ahead of time.

Anyway, as she proceeded to give me a spa like facial (her water pic madly spraying a light mist all over my face) because of the crazy slant I was reclined at, I was able to see the room around me from a new perspective…and it reminded me of this verse in Jeremiah 8:9 “The wise” (who think they’re wise, but aren’t) “will be put to shame; they will be dismayed and trapped. Since they have rejected the word of the LORD, what kind of wisdom do they have?”

Just like my chair permitted me to see the room from a new perspective, so having God’s word layered on my heart gives me a fresh perspective of what He asks of me. Anything apart from Him is foolishness and folly.

It made me hunger to cling ever closer to Him, trusting Him with whatever He chooses to allow in my life ~ because He loves me and has a plan for my life.

Have you ever found yourself in need of a fresh perspective to better see Gods’ plans for you? What are some pearls of wisdom you’ve discovered as a follower of Jesus that might help others in their pursuit of Christlikeness?

Let’s talk…you know- between friends.



Flash: Catch the Latest News on Kitchen Sinks!


I really do know my way fairly well around a kitchen – but it might not always appear so, as this little story attests.

Helping for my first time with lunch duty at the school kitchen, I was washing dishes in the left of 3 very deep sinks. It was quite full of still fairly clean water after I had finished washing everything that had been sitting on the counter. I asked Dolores, who was in charge, if there were any more dishes to do; she said, “No, you can empty the sink out.”

Right then, I saw that middle sink had a few crumbs in the bottom, so rather than using the faucet and wasting fresh water, I cupped my hands and started to pour handfuls of the water from the full sink into the middle sink to wash them away.

Dolores watched me for a few seconds then said with not a little despair in her voice at what appeared to be the new nitwit they’d just gotten in to help with lunch duty, “Oh honey- you don’t have to do it that way- there is a little plug down in the bottom of the sink – you just have to pull it up and out!”

Vastly amused, I assured her that indeed, I knew about that handy little plug, and we enjoyed a moment of hearty laughter together as she understood what I was attempting to do. It brought to mind the words in Proverbs 17:22 “A joyful heart is good medicine…”

Followers of Christ ought to be the most Joy filled people around! God has granted us freedom from the bondage of fear, depression, anxiety; He has given us New life in Christ Jesus! What a wondrous thing!

That’s not to say that life doesn’t have burdens and difficulties, there’s no denying that it certainly does. But what is our response to those trials? Are we seeing them as opportunities to rely more heavily on God’s strength and trust that He has a plan for us, even right through the tough situation? Our Hope lies in a better place ~ Here on Earth where life has pain, we can trust God’s grace to carry us through, and after our life here, if we have placed our trust in Christ’s payment for our sin, we have the certain hope of a future in Heaven with Him forever! I pray this poem is a blessing and reminder for each of us who are followers of Jesus ~

What do you think when you see the plight

Of our fellow humans who suffer the blight

Of this earth and her troubles? Of pain and distress

Of disease and poverty, anguish and death?


As they wander and ponder the meaning of life,

Observe all the scandal, partake of the strife

They can glimpse of the beauty that lies all around

But have no understanding, no footing, no ground


They persist in the cycle but long to be free –

What must they think of you and of me

When they see that true JOY can exist in this place,

Despite all the trials and chaos and waste?


Are we fragrant? Inviting? Attractive? Or no –

Do we carry deep sorrow and reek of the woe

That they long to escape? I must ask this dear friend –

Does your life reflect hope for a better end?


Do we bask in God’s goodness despite earthly pain?

Trust that our Savior has a perfect plan?

Keep our eyes trained on heaven where eternity dwells?

Are we offering Hope while the world offers Hell?


This world’s pains are hard, prolonged and deep,

But for those without hope this is the best they will see –

Are we sharing our faith while there is still time?

Or getting bogged down in the muck and the grime?


Are we resting in Him when the storm swirls around?

Clinging to Him when our enemies hound?

Running to Him when lonely and scared?

Praying and soaking our mind in His Word?

Storing His Scriptures away in our hearts

When the enemy comes with his fiery darts?


Do we thank him – Yes – Thank Him for allowing us pain

That would tether us to Him again and again?

This is difficult – No: an Impossible task –

Except we have Jesus to whom we can ask

To Carry our burden and fix our eyes,

So our load becomes His   ~ He’s our Fortress and Prize!


Rejoice in the Gifts that His love has bought –

Oh friend – this is BIG – has your heart been caught?

We have The Answer, The Hope and The Key~

Are we sharing with prisoners that they can be free?


Bondage and heartache should not be the plight

For the child of Jesus who is offered delight –

Yes – delight that our troubles though hard and so deep,

Are temporary afflictions – they will not keep!


Our hope lies in a future place

Where pain does not live, where sorrows cease!

Where tests and tears do not abound,

Where heartache and death cannot be found!


Where His Will is done and perfection reigns,

Where Right does rule and joy remains!

This place does exist and it’s free to the one

Who would come to the cross and believe in The Son

Who has paid All the debt we owe for our sin –

Impossible yes – but not for Him!


He’s building a mansion – working details out –

And soon He will come back with a shout!

And take us home to be with Him there –

Can you picture it friend? Are you fixing your stare-

Toward the place we’ll reside forevermore?


No more death or mourning or crying or pain!

Where glory goes on and on and on!

Rejoice in this Truth and Share it with Men –

Who need to hear it again and again!


So I ask once more time – what does your life say?

Are you trusting in Jesus or throwing it away?

Get your eyes off your troubles, get your knees on the floor –

Seek Jesus – you’ll find Him – His grace ~ and Much more!


By sarah depledge






Spur One Another On


I remember a time not too long ago, in my husband’s life, when he was really feeling down. Some doors that he had held hope in had closed with finality, and he was discouraged by his thinking that his was destined to be a road of drudgery from that point forward.

Feeling very defeated, he told me that he “thought he had disappointed God” with his life.

 Holding a drastically opposing view, I wanted to be sure he wasn’t buying into the lie that Satan would have loved to see him purchase, so I wrote him a letter, part of which I’m printing here.

 “My Precious Mark ~ How it hurts to see you struggling and feeling like you somehow haven’t pleased God with your life – I don’t think you could be further from the Truth!  God has some very specific things He asks of men – and you have tried to follow them with a clean heart before Him. How can you not see that God is well pleased with you and the choices you have made in your life to follow him and to walk uprightly before him, to stay pure and faithful, to provide for your family and to be a man of integrity?

 You’ve exceeded my dreams in the kind of husband you have been and father to our children – you have taught by word and deed how to live the fruit of the spirit – you are a man who has feared God, revered and honored him, and you have seen his hand of grace on your life because of it.

 I know you have unfulfilled dreams – but our journey isn’t done yet! Don’t quit so quickly – you never know what’s around the bend in life!

 God could surprise us with some very exciting plans to shake up our cozy little world and grab hold of some wonderful opportunities still – some marvelous chances to use the gifts, skills, interests and abilities He has given us to use them for His Glory!

 I know this – as Paul said in Philippians 3:13-14, “But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

 How grateful I am that you have a heart that seeks after Godliness – how good has been to “run this race” with you by my side! Don’t get caught up in the traps that the world does my darling! We have a higher calling ~ with a much greater destiny ~ and best of all, God will be our strength to carry us through the heartaches of this life, and help us to grow and be stretched through them, to become more like His Son.

 You are my love, my delight, my gift from the very hand of God and I cherish you!

 Do not lose hope! Do not give up! Let’s keep running this race together – let’s press on, looking to see how else God may use hearts willing to live dangerously for Him!

I want my life to have zeal for him – to take a risk, be more willing to leave my comfort zone and trust Him to provide all we need!

 I don’t know exactly what that looks like, but I’m willing to pray about it, that God might use us – together – to do some wonderful things for His Kingdom and for His good Pleasure!

 You have so much to offer, Mark! Tremendous insight and wisdom, wonderful leadership qualities – God has given you much to use for Him – do not grow weary in doing good – Press on! Push forward! Keep on keeping on – and let’s see together what else God has in store for we who love him and are called according to His purposes at work in us!

 Thank you for making godly choices Mark – you’ve blessed our whole family in ways you may never fully know till Heaven ~ I count you as my most beloved friend. Sarah”

Life can be overwhelming ~ it’s full of twists and turns, unexpected disappointments and difficult burdens ~ That’s why as believers in Christ, we need to remind each other where our true hope lies! This life is short – it isn’t all there really is – reminds me of a song I wrote ~ Praying it encourages your heart to keep it’s focus where it belongs ~ on Christ and the Eternity that is in store for those who call themselves His followers!

Eternity is Coming

This life is short-it isn’t all there really is

So much lies ahead, for those who are His

Don’t hold on so tight to the dreams we have here ~

This world and its sorrows will one day disappear ~


Eternity is coming and it’s full of Hope!…. Joy!… Dreaming, doing, fulfilling and pursuing ~ Christ! No loss! No pain! All gain! We really can’t imagine!

So Don’t! Lose! Hope!

Hold on! Just wait! We’re nearly at the gate!


Am I growing and investing in the things I’ll take with me?:

Other people, love and joy, godliness and harmony?

Persisting in my troubles and allowing God to shape me through their pain?

To teach me more, his all-sufficient grace….


Eternity is coming and it’s full of Hope!…. Joy!… Dreaming, doing, fulfilling and pursuing ~ Christ! No loss! No pain! All gain! We really can’t imagine!

So Don’t! Lose! Hope!

Hold on! A little more ~ We’re nearly at the door!


Am I choosing to be joyful in what Christ has done for me?:

Giving his own life for payment so that sinners can go free ~

Or do I keep getting caught up in the miseries and trials that won’t last?

This time is almost past!


Eternity is coming and it’s full of Hope!…. Joy!… Dreaming, doing, fulfilling and pursuing ~ Christ! No loss! No pain! All gain! We really can’t imagine!

So Don’t! Lose! Hope!

Hold on! Don’t quit! Just cling to Jesus!


Am I using what I have now to make my foundation strong?

Sharing riches, loving others, choosing rightly over wrong?

Am I working toward the future, taking hold of The Life that is truly life?

It’s almost here!


Eternity is coming and it’s full of Hope!…. Joy!… Dreaming, doing, fulfilling and pursuing ~ Christ! No loss! No pain! All gain! We really can’t imagine!

So Don’t! Lose! Hope!

Hold on! Just wait! We’re nearly at the gate!


A breath ~ A wisp ~ A vapor and it’s gone…

It won’t be long ~ hold on ~ Cling to Jesus and hold on…



Burdened or Buoyant?


When I was much younger (18…ok, much, much younger) I got in a car accident in which I hit a pedestrian. It was icy, he was walking on the side of a fairly busy road and I hit a patch of black ice.

My car was spinning very sluggishly – the whole thing felt like it was playing in slow motion so that by the time I actually made contact with him, I more or less “pushed” him into a ditch heavily filled with snow (I recall seeing his face very briefly through the glass staring dazedly at me as he hung onto the hood of my car before landing in the ditch.) Certainly scary – for both of us!

During the questioning for the deposition with the attorneys (which was agonizing) I was asked, “What happened to the car when you steered it to the right?”

I nervously and truthfully answered, “My back end came around and got in front of my front end.”

Now, this made sense to me. It still does. It is precisely what happened.

My parents received a copy of the transcript in the mail. You’d be surprised how much laughter has been generated in my family from that one small statement. It has been brought out at holiday gatherings and told to coming generations; it may as well be stamped across my forehead it’s so embedded into my history.

I laugh right along with everyone; seeing it in black and white made it sound a lot more funny than the day I said it in front of a room full of strangers where I sat worried over the unknown of my future. (It turned out ok; there was an eyewitness who saw the whole thing and the man checked out perfectly fine at the hospital.)

 I’m so glad that God in his grace allows us to build onto his legacy – He lets us be called wonderful things – like “Christ follower” and “Child of the King” and “Joint Heirs with Christ”… Our identity in Christ, if we’ve accepted his free gift of salvation, is our greatest label, our finest possession – the best thing we can be known for and triumph in!

“Colossians 1:10-14, “And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.”

Oh dear reader ~ Has your heart caught the truth of this? This is incredible really! That we are share in God’s inheritance ~ just for our obedience to Him?! Wow! It reminds me of a poem I wrote…I will share next time.

Meanwhile, are you living with burden or buoyancy? Are you buried under the stresses of life and unable to see yourself how God sees you if you are one of his? Or are you living with joy filled steps, walking forward excitedly in all the delight that comes with being a child of the King? Let’s talk…you know – between friends.




My daughter broke our saltshaker a few weeks ago and I said “Thank you Lord.” Wait- no I didn’t – not in that order anyway- back up: my daughter broke our saltshaker a few weeks ago and at first I was perturbed by her carelessness, as I watched salt steadily emptying onto the floor from the broken base she had somehow whacked.

 But then God brought a verse to my mind – and I saw how wonderful it actually was that she’d broken it- because it made me think, and that’s generally a good thing.

 In Matthew, Jesus said to his followers, “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made good again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.”

 God says we are to be salt in our world – but what does that look like?

 Salt makes things that are bland taste better – this life is full of heartache, and humans without hope have an inability to see trials of this life as chances to rely on God – but as Believers in Christ with hope – we can have joy no matter what our circumstances!

 We are to be the salt that makes living in this hard, cruel, unfair world palatable – not because we have some upbeat positive attitude about our own selves and abilities – but because we have HOPE through Christ and can live a victorious life out of His strength! 

 In our little world with our little children, when they hang on the drapes pretending to be Tarzan crossing the dangerous jungle – count it all Joy! (We may have to discipline and teach them why that’s wrong, but we don’t have to ‘lose it’ on them)

 When they ask “why?” “why?” “why?” a dozen times – count it all Joy! (We may have to explain our why’s, but we can see that their curious little minds just want to understand – much like we do when we ask our Heavenly Father “Why?”)

 When there are 12 cookies in the cookie jar when you leave the room and 2 when you return and ask who ate them and everyone shrugs – count it all Joy! (We may have to take time to explain why lying is a sin and they need to ask permission before taking things, but we can chalk it up to a terrific training session where they’re learning and we are helping them understand God’s ways.)

 As Moms we hold a valuable position – we are the gateway to our children’s understanding of God. Through our modeling, they can follow.  Through our handling of the difficult, humbling, exhausting situations we sometimes find ourselves in, they are watching and making decisions about the authenticity of our walk with Christ. 

 Is it all just words, or are we doing the very things we are telling them are important – things like having the fruit of the Spirit as talked about in Galatians – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control.

 It’s not always easy, there are times we want to lash out at the frustrating situations we find ourselves in; but those are the times God wants us to display the fruit He provides us with, with a heavenly outlook, and a heart that see’s a chance to demonstrate His power at work in our lives. Those opportunities for growing in sanctification are where ‘the rubber meets the road’ in the Christian walk.

 God wants us to share our burdens with one another, so that we can be in prayer for each other as we walk this journey called life. Are you facing some difficulty that makes it hard to be the salt in your world?

 Let’s talk… you know – between friends.


The Joys of Pain


Getting old is ever so much fun…ok, not so much. Yesterday I found myself at my physical therapy appointment enjoying the pounding my therapist was giving my aching arm. Perhaps she saw my grimace or heard my loud groan; either way, she stopped and asked, “How’s that?” What I felt like saying was, “Well, let’s trade places for a moment and let me pound on one of your vulnerable body parts to see if I can bring you to fits of agony!”

Instead, (because I’m a polite wimp) I nodded, allowing her to continue in her torture of my bloodied limb (ok, it wasn’t bleeding – but it felt like it should be!)

I held my tongue, and began to think of the verse in Hebrews 12 that tells us “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. (Indeed!) Later on however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”

I realized that just like I need to be willing to go through some pain to repair my arm to get it to where I want it to be – functioning to it’s best ability, so I need to submit to my Heavenly Father’s hand of “therapy” – correction with some pain involved, to get my heart where He wants it to be – functioning to it’s best ability through His strength at work in me. Sometimes he has to strip away a lot more than I’m ready for.

 I’ve learned the hard way that resisting only prolongs the pain; for sure the best way is to submit and trust that God loves us and has a plan.

And He will be with us – right through the difficulty – pretty incredible, isn’t it!

Are you finding yourself submitting to Your Father’s touch at work in your life? I pray so dear reader! Please feel free to share your journey – you never know how it may bless others along the way… If you’re struggling to let go of some area He wants to grow you in, let’s talk…you know- between friends.






Blog Building 101


I’m not sure exactly what transpired in the night while I slept…

Yesterday, I learned about all the many things that tower before me to get a book that I wrote published. I need to “Build a Blog”, “Weave a Webpage” and expand my “Platform”… (I confess, I wasn’t even certain what some of that meant…)

“Why did I need to become a woman with a toolbox full of skills I didn’t know how to use?” I asked myself. One word came to mind: Overwhelmed. And, since I have the tendency to be a spineless ‘fraidy cat who allows the unknown to stop me in my tracks, I hugged my pillow, informed God I was quitting and fell asleep, ready to bid goodbye to my life-long dream…and awoke as if a God-version of Red Bull had been pouring into my backbone all night long!

Build a blog? Mere child’s play! Weave a webpage? I’m ready to loom whatever I need! I sit at my keyboard in trepidation no more! Fearlessly, I will do whatever it takes (well, keeping it legal of course!) to follow this path!

 Today…Today is a new day to chase my dreams wherever they may lead me!

I think to myself: Oh! This would be a cool time to crush an empty Red Bull can for emphasis, but alas, I drink tea.

Sometime during the years that I was busy doing something…??   Oh I know! (Palm smack to head) I was raising 5 children from birth to reasonably independent…and somehow, while I was doing that gargantuan undertaking, the world of Literary publishing changed enough shades to make even the color gray blush. (No, I did not read that book, I just use it as an example to make my point that the book world has morphed big time!)

And isn’t that how life often is? The familiar fades, the ‘certain’ shifts into uncertainty, what we knew – or thought we did, becomes a stranger to us.

This makes me evermore grateful we serve an Immutable God who does NOT ever change. He is the Same Yesterday, Today and Forever.

He said He will supply all my needs always, even in a world of shifting sand. His Word is the Strongest Tool in my toolbox, so I can push on pursuing this goal, because He is with me, and will equip me for whatever He has called me to do…. Philippians 4:13 reminds me, “I can do All things through Christ who strengthens me!”

Are you chasing the dreams God has given you? If so ~ Push on my friend! And feel free to share – it may encourage me to keep after mine! If not… let’s talk…you know- between friends.



