Daring to trust God’s Sovereignty


Gone must be any discouragement that would cause us to forget God’s sovereignty over human affairs.

Instead, can we grasp the fact that other people simply cannot thwart God’s plan for our lives?
If He has called us to something, not only will He equip us, we can be sure that He will also provide the entry point needed for us to carry it out. If we are following His calling and lead, we need to learn to hear His quiet, “not now” within mere man’s louder, “No!”.

One of the things that must have spurred Joseph on while unfairly imprisoned for a crime he didn’t commit, was the vision God had granted him many years earlier, that remained yet unfulfilled.

While he grew in his trust of a faithful God, who made sure that the normal punishment (death) for Joseph’s “crime” (of which he was innocent and therefore unfairly imprisoned) was not enacted, he must also have grown in his certainty that God would provide the way out, in His own flawless timing. And the way OUT of prison, was the way IN to a position of prominence – just as God had foretold… because God is the Master orchestrator.

We too, though not relying on visions or prophetic utterances, can have the same certainty, and trust that God, who is eternally faithful, omnipotent and sovereign, will also work all things together for good to those who love Him and are called according to HIS purpose. (Romans 8:28)

2 Chronicles 16:9 tells us that, “The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.” The question then is: is my heart fully committed to Him? Are God’s priorities my priorities? Do I have a heart eager to be used by Him, for His glory, and to let my life be a light by which this dark world can’t help but notice? We must be vigilant in keeping an Eternal perspective, and not let ourselves get wearied by this world’s woes, nor let the weakness of our flesh tempt us toward failing and falling away from God. On our own we are all failures and frauds – but WITH Christ? We can do ALL things through His power at work in us. The key is staying fully committed and obedient to Christ, putting to death the deeds of the flesh, and fleeing the temptations of this world.

God has certain jobs for us to do, and He is more than able to set aside anyone else’s denial of the gifts and abilities that He has assigned each of us for His own purposes and pleasure, and to work His good where it looks “impossible.” In fact, I believe He enjoys showing evidence of His inescapable omnipotence and sovereignty in the face of seemingly impenetrable obstacles on behalf of those who love Him.

So even in the greatest of trials let us not be tempted to diminish His love for us, or His sovereignty over all situations, but instead let’s pray that He helps us fully surrender to His desire to use all that He allows in our lives as vehicles to display His power, grace, sufficiency and love.

“Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?” Jeremiah 32:27

The next time we are tempted to feel discouraged from a lack of impact or use of a spiritual gift that God has afforded us, let’s remember just Who is in control.

And keep in mind: the best posture from which to watch God move mountains is on our knees, as we ask Him to.

He is waiting for us to come to the realization that He delights in our trust of Him! So let’s hasten to deepen our trust in the fertile ground of His faithfulness, so that He can display His work in our lives all the more as we step out in obedience. Let’s begin praying for marvelous things in the Only Mighty Name – that of Jesus- then stand back! And watch the hand of our loving Lord carry out what only He can! 🙌🏼🌿


Blog Building 101


I’m not sure exactly what transpired in the night while I slept…

Yesterday, I learned about all the many things that tower before me to get a book that I wrote published. I need to “Build a Blog”, “Weave a Webpage” and expand my “Platform”… (I confess, I wasn’t even certain what some of that meant…)

“Why did I need to become a woman with a toolbox full of skills I didn’t know how to use?” I asked myself. One word came to mind: Overwhelmed. And, since I have the tendency to be a spineless ‘fraidy cat who allows the unknown to stop me in my tracks, I hugged my pillow, informed God I was quitting and fell asleep, ready to bid goodbye to my life-long dream…and awoke as if a God-version of Red Bull had been pouring into my backbone all night long!

Build a blog? Mere child’s play! Weave a webpage? I’m ready to loom whatever I need! I sit at my keyboard in trepidation no more! Fearlessly, I will do whatever it takes (well, keeping it legal of course!) to follow this path!

 Today…Today is a new day to chase my dreams wherever they may lead me!

I think to myself: Oh! This would be a cool time to crush an empty Red Bull can for emphasis, but alas, I drink tea.

Sometime during the years that I was busy doing something…??   Oh I know! (Palm smack to head) I was raising 5 children from birth to reasonably independent…and somehow, while I was doing that gargantuan undertaking, the world of Literary publishing changed enough shades to make even the color gray blush. (No, I did not read that book, I just use it as an example to make my point that the book world has morphed big time!)

And isn’t that how life often is? The familiar fades, the ‘certain’ shifts into uncertainty, what we knew – or thought we did, becomes a stranger to us.

This makes me evermore grateful we serve an Immutable God who does NOT ever change. He is the Same Yesterday, Today and Forever.

He said He will supply all my needs always, even in a world of shifting sand. His Word is the Strongest Tool in my toolbox, so I can push on pursuing this goal, because He is with me, and will equip me for whatever He has called me to do…. Philippians 4:13 reminds me, “I can do All things through Christ who strengthens me!”

Are you chasing the dreams God has given you? If so ~ Push on my friend! And feel free to share – it may encourage me to keep after mine! If not… let’s talk…you know- between friends.



