Honk if You Trust Jesus


It had been a tough couple weeks. Various challenges had sapped my energy, and taken some of my joy, leaving weariness in its place. Our finished basement had flooded for a 2nd time since the neighbor had built her house; the massive financial investment of a commercial type sump pump we finally installed now promised it should never happen again – this thing could do everything except wash my dishes!…but the clean up had left me discouraged. “Why, God?” was an all too often complaint in my mind. His silence in providing me with an explanation made me pout a bit.

One of our precious daughters was facing a heart wrenching difficulty that was not of her own doing, and was no small matter and had no end in sight; who amongst us suffers well the agony of watching our beloved children suffer? I surely do not, and the heartache was taking it’s toll.

Various friends, needing encouragement seemed to line up at the door – I found myself handing out Bible verses like candy on Halloween ~ those committed to memory were texted, emailed and prayed. As the days stretched into weeks, I scoured the Scriptures for ones not as familiar, but none-the-less, assuring.  Digging deeply in God’s Word and being in prayer became an almost constant state for me… I conversed with God endlessly, about this one and that one, this situation and that situation… We hadn’t yet seen the end of any of the stories, but we were working hard to keep trusting God with ALL of them, knowing He is Faithful and Loves us!

So it was that I found myself behind a truck the other day. The sign on the back informed me that this was no ordinary business: this, was a Goose Control Specialist.  I know: most of you are saying, “yeah, so what?” But you must understand – I don’t think like most sensible people.  I was like, “Wow…I wonder what an out-of-control goose looks like?” I started chuckling as I tried to picture it (it wasn’t too hard for me) – Was he the unruly one in the pond? Guilty of impolite water play? An indiscriminate leaver of unpleasant droppings?  I imagined what the khaki clad worker might do to bring such situations under control… Perhaps squatting on a hollow log to confer with the said goose about his bad behavior? How might he restore order to the chaos? Hold trainings for appropriate good goose behavior? Offer rewards like a pass to swim at some swanky lake exclusive to other water fowl?

Well, God knew how tightly I must have been bound; clearly I was in need of a good cleansing laugh (tears had been the prevailing symptom as of late) and laugh I did.  What started as a chuckle turned to guffaws fairly quickly as I roared at the thoughts coursing my brain, as I drove down the highway.  Surely other drivers, seeing me alone and in such hilarity, must have begun flipping their radio dial searching for whatever it was that had me laughing so heartily! Ahhh, the joy of a good laugh! After a few minutes, I settled down; a few more chuckles escaped; clearly here was a ‘goose’ in need of some “control measures” herself  🙂

Oh, the Joy God wants us to have, dear fellow believers! Life has a way of handing us some unexpected, painful things; and God doesn’t want that to steal our Joy!

Truly as we walk through disappointment and sickness and sorrows, trials, temptations and tears – life can be overwhelming and daunting – but Praise the Lord! He’s erased All our Fears! We can Rejoice! He is GOOD! and His love endures Forever! We have an Unbelievable Future if we have placed our trust in Jesus for our Salvation! So why are we so quick to forget, and surrender our Joy? The writer of Hebrews reminds us in chapter 10: “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

I pray that while reading this, you might have found a renewed hope that our ever-loving God wants us to have a sweet freedom from the temptation to feel defeated – even through trials we may face… Nothing is Too Big for Him to handle – and He loves to hear us praising Him in the middle of the storm…

Do you have a story that would encourage others? Or, do you need someone to pray with you, through one of the heartaches you are facing? Let’s talk about it ~ you know – between friends!




Just Get In!!


Fresh off the plane we had a 3 hour wait for our rental car, watching the hustle and bustle of life passing around us at the busy San Francisco Airport, then we would be on our way to the hotel where the 7 of us (and a puppy that was added a couple weeks later; not really a bribe, more of a fulfilled promise) would stay till we found a home; our time in those living quarters ended up being a nearly 3 month span.

Before getting to the hotel though, Mark needed us to pick up his car he had bought while living in California on his own. It was at a dealership where it had been in for a tune up while he was back in Wisconsin helping us finish up details.  

Now, it must be understood, I do not know cars.  I never claimed to – they all look roughly the same to me with 4 tires, doors and windows on a box that moves along the road.

My husband, knowing this about me, but perhaps not understanding the full depth of my ignorance, drove us to a jam packed parking lot with just the brief instructions “see it over there? The silver car? The keys are inside – just get in and drive. We’ll see you at the hotel.”

I can’t quite claim that he physically pushed us out, but it sure felt that way as Lydia and I got out of the rental vehicle holding the rest of the family, and stood in the vast parking lot trying to find his car.  Finally we started making our way roughly toward the cluster of silver colored vehicles his sweeping hand had indicated.

Blankly, I turned to Lydia.

“Oh dear. What kind of car did dad say he bought again honey?” 

We both turned to look toward where Mark and the other kids had been, but they were already gone.

We had woken that morning in Wisconsin, left all we’d ever known behind, and now, here we were, stranded in a California parking lot filled with cars, but unsure which one to climb into.

Well, I may not have car smarts, but I did know that half the battle when you’re unsure is to at least appear confident.  I strode over to a likely looking car, and, opening the door, told Lydia to get in. 

Tilting her head, skepticism all over her face, she ventured “Um, mom? I don’t think this is dad’s car.”

But I was too busy muttering to myself about his unbelievable departure “I can’t believe he didn’t even wait for us – Honey, just get in – I cannot believe he just left like that – I don’t even know where I am! How will we ever find him? Somehow, we have to catch up! Honey – Please – Just get in!”

She obeyed, shaking her head and said a bit louder from the back seat “Mom, I don’t think this is dad’s car.”

It barely registered. I was too busy searching for the car keys. “Fiddlesticks! Dad said the keys would be right here, and they’re not! Can you believe this? This is unbelievable! Now what are we going to do?”  I rifled through the glove compartment – “Nope, not there either.” 

I sat quietly in the seat, pondering what to do next, and as my eyes focused on the leather wrapped steering wheel, I saw some letters that formed a word. And slowly, something dawned on me. “Hey, Dad didn’t get a Volvo, did he?”

Lydia, completely exasperated firmly rejoined, “No Mom – I told you – this is not his car!”


Sheepishly, we got out, only to see a group of salesmen nearby carefully watching us. Lydia was hoping to come across as a potentially interested buyer of the vehicle we had just exited, a hope I shot to pieces with my chuckle and candid admission, “Ha! We got in the wrong car!”

They nodded in agreement, eyebrows raised, pointing to the silver Toyota Avalon parked nearby. Lydia, flaming with embarrassment was getting in as quickly as she could; I too got in, found the keys in the ignition, started it up and drove away.

About 3 seconds down the road, we both burst into laughter at the hilarity of this red-faced moment. In fact, it’s still providing laughs for us today, whenever we think about it.

Sometimes I’ve struggled with taking myself too seriously; I get embarrassed easily or don’t want people to know I mess up ~ But God keeps showing me that He wants me to be authentic – it’s ok to let others know that I have areas that I’m weak in, flaws and red faced moments (lots in fact).  Like Paul said in II Corinthians 12:9, “Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” 

What an incredible freedom it is to stop trying to be what is impossible for anyone to achieve: Perfection doesn’t exist – except in Jesus Christ ~ and He wants to give me His power to use in my life to show that He is at work in me! Amazing! And freeing…

Are you using the freedom you have in Christ to let go of trying to be perfect? Christians ought to be the most joy filled beings on the planet! Let’s talk…you know- between friends.
