Are we winning the battle, but losing the War?

An unprecedented number of casualties – perhaps numbering in the tens of millions- have occurred in this latest vicious cycle of upcoming elections, as staunch supporters from both parties dig in their heels, refusing to budge on matters that both sides deem urgent. Friendships have died, family ties severed, relationships tossed over disagreement on who is best equipped to lead our great nation. Strangers bicker with one another on social media platforms that are anything but social, sparing no harsh words, no tempering of tempers, and no cautionary tape around their proclamation to possess the only enlightened views. Rage is the most used tool in the collective box of verbal weapons, and unrelenting hatred for what is seen as a stubborn refusal to “see it my way.”
Some have said that this is the working of “true democracy in motion”, the giving and taking of ideas to arrive at the best ways to govern. But if that is so, it seems something crucial in the machinery has become severely broken. In the “exchange” of ideas there’s been all giving and no taking. How can there be anything left to salvage after such brutal destruction? Who will willingly submit to the authorities that be, at the end of such hostile warring?
Oh, that God might soften our hearts to remember our first allegiance! 
There seems to be much at stake in our nation- and I believe that it is time for conservative views to have their chance to show their effectiveness, just as we’ve endured 8 years of liberal philosophy reigning- but know this- even if a red tsunami were to engulf the entire nation, there still will be troubles and trials, corruption and failure, because ultimately our hope is not found in any human governance, but in Jesus Christ alone.
Do I believe that God ordains those in authority over us? Yes I do. I believe that in His grace and in his perfect sovereignty He involves Himself in the affairs of men. He has to, because He knows that human hearts are so desperately wicked that apart from His staying hand there would be no one left except a tyrant and all those subject to him. We have this amazing form of government that has provided freedom, liberty, justice and abundance; but as with any human endeavor, it is vulnerable to its greatest flaw: that of human involvement.
Sin is at the center of all conflict. Sin, and all it’s devastating consequences are what drove Satan from God’s presence, Adam and Eve from the garden, and Jesus from Heaven, as He came to Earth to pay the price for what we could not pay for ourselves. 
For reasons all His own, God loves people. Made in His own image, created from His infinite imagination and selfless love, we are His workmanship. He puts inherent value on Life, and He gave us a playbook, an instruction manual for how we can live in our sin cursed world, and still please Him. And it doesn’t include assaulting other humans, verbally, physically or emotionally to get our way, no matter how “right” we may be.
So how can we engage in the political minefield, knowing the potential damage to others that can ensue? With the utmost care. Our most underutilized weapon is our most powerful: PRAYER.
God in His grace grants us wisdom to navigate this world in a way that honors Him, while showing a dark and dying world the only hope anyone has for eternal salvation found solely in Jesus Christ.
Politics do not deliver us from the fallout of human depravity – only Jesus does. And Politics do not offer an ultimate remedy for sin – only Jesus does. So for followers of Jesus, involving ourselves too deeply in politics overemphasizes a misplaced hope to a dark and dying world.
It’s such a slippery slope! To my own dismay, I found myself getting sucked in to the temptation to expose the failures of what I truly do see as the “Lawless Left”- and I had to repent and turn away from my over-involvement in political battles that were starting to blur the lines of my faith in Christ with a faith in a political system, which was such spiritual treason on my part!  Thank You, Lord, for the convicting power of the Holy Spirit who loves, corrects and directs our hearts!
And although it isn’t wrong to identify Truth, if it becomes my “god” and overtakes my first allegiance to sharing the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus, then it has replaced God and His calling on my life, and that is no less evil than the “evils of politics” which I may spend precious time denouncing.
“Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” We only get so much time in this world. For many, it is used up in folly and pleasure, wasted in wrong pursuits or meaningless drivel, or succumbing to the never ending “urgent clamoring” of various injustices demanding our most limited resource of Time.
As followers of Jesus we have the joy of knowing that our time here on Earth can be spent in ways that yield incalculable investments for eternity – the key is identifying those investments and then not getting distracted by the temporary pulls of this world, that even if “won” are still limited in their capacity to deliver any lasting change.
So, Yes, by all means Vote. We have the privilege of such an amazing form of government- all the world marvels at its unique structure of “By the people, of the people, for the people” and it is a gift from God.
But let’s not lose sight of our greatest hope and calling – to spread the Good News that Jesus came to Earth to take our rightful place to pay the price for All our sin. Therefore, our main message must be that any who put their trust in Jesus and His finished work at the cross can have the certainty of eternal salvation, and to escape death and destruction. Only by clinging to Christ can we find freedom from the futility of any pursuit that distracts us from our singular mission of glorifying Him, and sharing the saving Truth of the Gospel with others, while keeping our eyes on the ultimate prize of Heaven, as we conduct ourselves as Ambassadors for Christ for whatever time He gives us.  🙏🏻🌿

Should Christians engage in Politics?


I have noticed a strong reluctance on the part of some Christians to engage in political discussions; and in fact, have been privately scolded by some who think it is “wrong” to participate in the world of political discourse, with the claim that by doing so, I am putting my trust in the world instead of in God.

As believers we are to have reachable and teachable hearts, open to rebuke from Scripture, and to the convictions of the Holy Spirit, and I have sought to find a correct balance, not always easy in today’s political climate where so much corruption and sinful behavior is going on!

But I truly don’t see where in Scripture we are restricted or told not to engage in trying to be part of making our communities better by working for the blessing of good governance.

In fact, there are examples of Godly people in powerful positions whom God used to bless the people through their involvement in the political structures of the day; think of Daniel and Joseph.

We in America have a unique position of living in a country where the set up of government was literally “by the people, for the people”. We don’t suffer under a dictatorship; nor do we leave the leading of our land to Royalty (although many of our leaders do seem to view themselves that way) whom are selected via birth and lineage, rather than actual credentials, interest or skill.

Perhaps the sly workings of some with wrongful motives have set this bizarre shaming for Christians to become involved in politics as a way of loosening our influence upon a nation that actually NEEDS Godly men and women to engage in the leading of this great land.

The whispers of “separation of church and state” have cast a shadow of doubt over the “appropriateness” of Christians taking a healthy role in the state of affairs within our nation – and yet, I think of the verse in Proverbs that tells us,

“The righteous rejoice when the Godly rule, and when the wicked rule, the Godly groan.”

The unique structure of a (mostly) 2 party option does automatically present the likelihood of division where sharp disagreement can ensue – and often does – about which party is more closely aligned with God’s standards. Much prayer and Godly discernment is required to make choices about what policies and beliefs we each choose to uphold and support. Healthy debate to test the veracity of our beliefs is sometimes necessary as we challenge one another to seek Truth and encourage integrity. Sometimes we are forced to call out lies, stand up for right and take sides.

It is at those times that our testimony in Jesus is most evident: how to delicately handle TRUTH in LOVE… I have to sadly admit that in my passion for Justice, this is the area I stumble in the most, forgetting that HOW we strive to arrive at Truth is just as important as getting there. If I have unknowingly hurt someone in that way, I offer sincere apologies and beg forgiveness.

As with any pursuit or interest, political involvement can become an idol, something that makes us forget where our True Hope lies- in Jesus Christ. He himself modeled a righteous indignation which offers a pattern for those of us who seek to follow Biblical models for living in a culture that is hostile to our beliefs.

Is lasting Hope found in a republic, where the power is given to the people, rather than a monarch? NO. The absolute wickedness of the human heart guarantees that eventually, any and all governing structures will fail. But of all political structures, ours seems the most blessed, if carefully guarded and cared for by those who have hearts eager to follow God and honor Him in our lives.

For our little stretch of time, to be engaged in the process of holding accountable the people whom we have voted into power over us seems advisable, and even wise. May God please grant us grace and wisdom to do it in a way that honors Him and is a blessing to all around us, and brings a lasting peace for more generations to come.


The Fruit of the Spirit in Action


In this red-hot environment of political debate, both “sides” have fallen into pits of self-righteous indignation, having ‘clays of opinion’ that quickly harden, without allowing outside thoughts to permeate that might soften the jagged edges that have formed.

The subject matters are more numerous than there are Olympic sports; stretching from Immigration, Abortion, Taxation to National defense, Cabinet picks, Supreme Court justices and beyond. Everything’s up for battle.

The methods of dissemination vary as well: protests, arguments via volatile comment threads, op-ends, Facebook posts, Twitter jabs, late night TV skits, University rallies and, far too rarely, discussions over cups of coffee. (Best not choose Starbucks for now)

Worn and stale labels are slung like so many horseshoes, each side hoping for a ringer, while both are guilty of assumptions of understanding, without actually communicating anything fresh.

But the truth is, no one understands fully the vast majority of the problems that beset us. The issues have become far too complex and complicated; cloaked in controversiality and beyond human reasoning.

Oh sure- I can say that I stand on God’s standard when I stand against such a thing as abortion. (And frankly, I do believe that). But my friend, with equal claim to the grace of God through the blood of Christ, stands just as adamantly for the legitimacy of organizations such as Black Lives Matter, citing past wrongs that caused the formation of such a group to begin with.

Who is “right”, and who is “wrong”? And who gets to decide? And what to do with the umpteen other topics, some that intertwine like bowls of spaghetti, confusing and chaotic? On principle I believe we all have the right to our opinions on many matters if based on the framework of God’s Word. But where does that get us as far as actually persuading anyone?

Certainly I would like to think that every human being could agree that a recent example, a woman, a teacher of pre-schoolers, no less, who was recorded screaming racial epithets and demanding that “all white people give up their @!$& homes and money and give it to black people now!” would be unanimously given a thumbs down. That it wasn’t is highly disturbing, and a clear sign of our times.

The fighter in me wants to insist that “the liberals had 8 years of policies enacted that conservatives had to cope with, and it’s our turn to show them the wonderful good that conservative principles can do for all, if only given a chance.” However, that just inflames the already heated atmosphere.

The weary part of me wants to pass along non-controversial pictures of funny pets and dinner recipes, and hide away from the raging debates. But if Christians won’t engage in the public discussions, are we ceding our voice of reason, and the ability to fight against our nation’s cultural and moral decay? Passivity and apathy are avenues to usher in tragedy, as seen in plenty of world horrors where good people did nothing to fight evil.

But, I wonder if there is another option?

One that invites differing opinions to be heard in an arena of open, respectful discussion; where labels are prohibited (as well as name calling and nasty language). Where thoughts are presented, with the underlying belief that everyone participating has our nation’s best interests at heart, and that one’s allegiance to and love of Jesus Christ isn’t debated, even if perspectives might be challenged, with kindness and cordiality.

That such a board of banter and thought, diverse yet fraught with – dare I say it?: Love, could exist, gives my heart a tug of hopefulness.

Perhaps, by adding a “water” such as Love to our clay, our opinions may form more gently, giving a chance to smooth those jagged edges away with which we have been slashing at one another, preventing the cuts that wound deeply, and instead, helping one another arrive at conclusions based on truth, justice, respect and love, as well as a willingness to wait patiently and prayerfully for one another as we walk this journey of life together. In fact, evidencing the fruit of lives that are controlled by the Holy Spirit –  of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.

In this age of rages and rants and rampages, imagine how much better it would be, how mutually beneficial and edifying (let alone, providing a model for our children!) to come up with a better way to conduct public discourse that is solidly built on a platform of respect, kindness and love.

Is it possible? I don’t know… but I am willing to try it and see.
I Corinthians 13:1-13

What do you think? Let’s talk – you know – between friends.
