And So…


It had been a rough season. Many trials, sadnesses and unfair situations had been pressing against my heart. Devastating illnesses plagued several dear friends. Discovered betrayals wounded another loved one, and loneliness was the only companion to another whom I hold dear. There was nothing I could do. These were difficulties out of my reach to fix and I brought them to The One in whom I put All hope. But not without a little attitude.

“Dear Heavenly Father”, I began, “I know You are Sovereign-” I was just about to utter the word, “but”, in order to inform Him of the many things people whom I love were struggling with, when a still, small voice interrupted my planned speech to The Almighty. In my spirit I felt the Holy Spirit prompting me to silence. I literally could not say the word “but”.  I sat for a few seconds, and in place of the word “but”, I felt God reminding me, “And so…?”  Um. Right. And so.  “And so I will trust You.”

No thunder rumbled. No mountain quaked. But in my spirit, I was soothed and comforted. And quite undone.

I needed that reminder from God to recognize that the very word ascribed to Him- Sovereign- means He has unrestricted, absolute, boundless, ultimate control over Everything.  Nothing lies outside of His authority. Absolutely nothing. Therefore, anything we face- everything we face, is under His control, for His own purposes and our ultimate good.

Romans 8:28 “and we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

Isn’t that incredible news??  My friend, we have such Hope!  God- The creator of everything, who sent His only Son, Jesus, to die for our sins, and the sins of the world, knows what we face. He knows our hurts, our trials and testings, the things that move us and the things that are daunting to us- and He loves us and has a plan for our Good through those very things we would try to escape.  I don’t know about you, but this is a truth I need to remind myself of daily!

“God, Thank You for your word that reminds us of the truth when we falter.  Thank You that You Are on Your throne, and we can Trust You in all things. We love You, Lord. Help us keep our eyes fixed on You. In the matchless name of Jesus I pray.”

Are there things happening in your life that you are feeling that God has forgotten or isn’t aware of? Be assured- it isn’t so.  He knows. And He loves you. And He is working for your good, even in the midst of the hard places in life.  Next time you start to question Him, remind yourself of His attributes, listing them off, “God, I know You are: Loving, Holy, Sovereign, Just, Immutable” etc, and follow up with the words, “and so…” Trust me, it will change your perspective.

I hope this encourages you- and lets talk- you know- between friends!
