About Me

World traveler, celebrity confidante, designer diva who rubs shoulders with the rich and famous, heiress to – Wait! Stop – Someone got these bio’s mixed up here. Gee, I’m so sorry about that! Let’s see, this is the box that’s supposed to let you know a little about me – Oops!

Ok, well, I’m a pretty ordinary mom (not even a smidgen like the bio above) – of 5 extraordinary kids! (But I may be a little biased.)

I’m deliriously happy being married to Mark, a man who loves Jesus Christ as whole-heartedly as I do, as well as being the worlds’ foremost expert on what makes me tick… (He’s been an avid student of that subject since he was 18 and I was 16 and I’d say he’s reached expert status.)

I find my heart tends to focus on several repeat areas:

  • Putting Jesus at the center of all we do
  • Making best use of our mommy moments
  • Loving our husbands as we are called to
  • Cultivating a heart of worship and
  • Watching God make good come from hard situations as only He can do.

Mark and I lead a couple’s small group in our home each week, people we have really come to love as we “do life” together, helping each other grow in our walks.

Our family is involved in Safe Families for Children, a ministry similar to Foster Care but that works through the local church. We host children, plus I am co-coordinator for the ministry at our church to help others interested in participating.

We serve weekly in the 4 year olds and under ministry at our church. My husband, Mark, is a great young children’s teacher ~ those little kids love him! And I get to rock babies to my hearts content!

I am a Flock leader for a dear group of women in our church who are in a most precious season of life: Parenting Young Children. I love my interactions with these gals, and have such a desire to bring an awareness of the brevity of these days with their little ones around and a hope that I can help spur them on in their purposeful engagement with their children while they are able.

It goes without saying that I love and adore my husband and children (and yet, I feel I ought to probably mention it here). They are Gods’ greatest treasure to me and I am grateful for each one and all they bring to our lives.

What else? Well, I love to write – always have. In fact, I’ve been blogging all my life; I’ve just kept it in my head.  But today, I open the doors to my very soul! Well…at least to some of my meandering thoughts.  I’m eager to share what I’ve learned on my journey, and would love to hear more of your story too!

Stay awhile, and let’s talk…you know – between friends.

Sarah Depledge 









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