My Prayer


Dear Lord, I want my life to count as an offering of worship to You. Please use me in the ways You desire, and help keep me determined in my pursuit of You. I ask for a pliant heart, but a firm step; a commitment to do what is right, and compassion for those also walking this journey of Life.

Help me be strong, but soft; patient, yet passionate; tender, yet tenacious. Help me spill over with love and forgiveness, since I’ve been forgiven much. Help me stay steady in trial, hopeful in hurt and anchored in Trust of You and Your plan.

Keep me from wandering and wasting my time; let my days belong to You – please, glorify Yourself in this life of mine as I surrender to You.

May obedience be stamped across my heart, fear be driven from my mind and Your Spirit’s fruit be evidence of a heart steadfast in YOU. May Your wisdom be in my mind and on my lips, with a readiness to share in love.

May I sing with the angels of Your goodness; let my sleep be peaceful and protected, knowing You are utterly in control of All things. Help me impart wisdom, hope, truth, grace and help toward others who seek it; may laughter and goodwill ease the weary who come to find shelter in our home, and may they find rest, refreshment and delight as we share and rejoice in Your bounty, favor, grace, and the joys of Your salvation!

Give me boldness to proclaim Your truth, and courage to do it without fear. May I find my contentment in Your calling, my joy in Your companionship and my treasure in Your truth. Help me follow You wholeheartedly, and let my heart be wholly Yours.

Keep me pure from wicked desires that would turn my heart away from following You. May I be quick to obey Your Holy Spirit’s promptings, and willing to wait on Your timing in ALL things.

Let the radiance of Your Son be reflected in my actions and attitude; permit me only that which will make me more like Him, and help me to honor You.

I pray that I may bring a smile to Your face as I surrender my hopes, wishes and dreams, and align them with Yours.

Help me pray for those who have not yet found the salvation offered in Jesus, and at the end of my days, please grant me the privilege of knowing that YOU used my life in ways that blessed others and brought You the glory You deserve, so that I might hear those words I long to hear, “Well done, my good and faithful servant…”

May I spend whatever time I have left living a fragrant life ~ gentle, steadfast, trusting ~ and all out for You. In the matchless name of Your precious son, Jesus, I pray, Amen.
