Feeling Rejected


I was talking with one of our precious kids, as she shared her trepidation at a possible rejection on something she’s been pursuing that means a lot to her, and that she is amply qualified for.

I listened carefully, praying for wisdom to share while she expressed the concerns on her heart.

“I’ve just had to hear the word, “No”, so much this year. I would love the chance to move forward, at least a little, and hear some words that would be more affirming.”

Usually it takes me a while to stew on things, to find the right moment to pair up with the right words. Not this time.

I replied, “Well, honey, we must remember that what we see as rejection, God means as protection. And what we can incorrectly think is a reflection of us, God says, ‘No, this actually is a reflection of me and my care over you.’” 

My daughter gave a satisfied, “hmmm” and asked me when I’m going to write another book. Lol!

After we hung up, I was reflecting on our conversation. Once again, God used His truth to minister to one of our dear children, but only after He used it to minister to me, first.

Just like anyone else, I’ve faced disappointments and plenty of times of feeling rejected. On occasion, God has even let me see situations that He spared me from getting entangled with through the word “No” that felt like personal rejection at the time, but that I only later saw as His hand of grace and care over me. 

If we can learn the lesson that God will use fallen man’s, “No” as a tool to provide His loving protection, we can avoid falling into the mistaken belief that somehow we “weren’t enough”, or “lacked”, and instead, trust His sovereignty and goodness.  

We know that He works all things together for good to those who love him and are called according to His purposes. (Romans 8:28)

We must learn to see the barriers to things that we might seek as His protection and His means of helping us take a different direction. Trusting God’s sovereignty truly is one of the important keys to living this life.

Jeremiah 32:27 records these fabulous words for us, “I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?”

The answer to that, dear friend, is “No”. 

God’s character upholds us, strengthens and protects us. His sanctifying work will have its way in the lives of those who will yield to Him.

The question then is: Will we surrender our wishes, hopes and dreams to our faithful Heavenly Father who loves us and has good plans for us?

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
