The Power of Words


Caught off guard? Absolutely. Left speechless? Completely.

A group of women I regularly gather with to pray, surprised me with making one of our gatherings incredibly special – For ME. I was in on the idea of making one of our weeks a bit more special by each bringing a dish to pass and meeting at one of our ladies’ lovely home. However, I was not informed of the actual purpose of this meeting – to celebrate the recent launch of my first published book, Still She Speaks. Talk about blown away.

These precious women ministered to me in such a profound way, and I am fairly sure they didn’t even know it.

Last to arrive, I hastily assembled the veggie pizza I had brought to contribute. Feeling bedraggled, I was slow to notice a couple of copies of my book on the counter, like a centerpiece arranged amongst the delicious foods. Then, gathered in a circle, their words of love poured over me, as each one shared something they thought of when they thought of me. Then they prayed a beautiful prayer over me, that ministered to my very soul.

For those of you who have read this blog for a while and know me at all, you won’t be surprised to hear that  the whole experience did me in. Tears flowed, and only by exercising great control was I able to keep it to a trickle rather than a torrent.

I just sat under the flood of their words of praise and felt so completely undone. Because anything that I am, is only because of the work of Jesus Christ in my life. He gets ALL of the praise. He gets ALL of the glory. Without Him, I am nothing. With Him, He gives me the unbelievable privilege of sharing in the joy that comes from living a life rooted in Him.

Ephesians tells us, “But because of his great love for us, God who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions- it is by grace you have been saved…and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God- not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” (2:4,5,8-10)

Oh my dear sister, isn’t that incredible? I marvel that God chooses to not only lavish on us all grace and wisdom and strength, when we are all so undeserving; but then He also allows us to share in the blessing of ministry, using the very gifts He gave us?! It’s simply Amazing! And I tell you – It’s ALL Him!

So those dear ladies, sharing such priceless words of affirmation with me, were only identifying what they see in me because of Christ at work in me. And it was powerful.

It reminds me that I need to be more purposeful in telling those around me what a blessing they are to me.

What an awesome gift to give someone – the gift of letting people know that we can see Christ at work in their lives, and are blessed by them. 

How might your encouragement spur on the hearer in your midst? Could it cause them to feel revived and ready to press on? Re-invigorated to love with Christ’s love? Strengthened to continue on in a difficult relationship or a hard trial? We may never know until Eternity the power of our words; but we can be sure that God wants us to use them well.

The writer of Hebrews says, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.”

In that kitchen, basking in the glow of friendship and celebration over God’s goodness and lavish love, my friends took the opportunity to ‘spur me on’.

What about you? Do you have a time when you were encouraged that God was using you to bless others? Is there someone in your life you feel prompted to share with, to let them know that you have been ministered to through them? Why not do it Today, and see the truth of Proverbs 25:11 at work…

Let’s talk…you know – between friends.





Sovereign Creator


One recent morning, I drove our boys, aged 16 and 13, to school. I sat in the car with the older one for a few minutes while he finished his breakfast.

“I like that,” he offered, his head nodding toward the dashboard.

“What? The music?” I ventured.

“Mh-mm.” He nodded.

I agreed, noting the beauty of the classical piece.

“Can I read something to you?” he asked.

A quick glance at the clock assured me that yes, we still had time.

“Sure,”  I was curious what it might be.

He finished the last bite of muffin, opening the packet of papers sitting in his lap. With a bashful glance at me, he began to read a lengthy and very insightful quote. I nodded along, delighted that this piece had moved our boy. He finished and I smiled, “That was beautiful honey – Wow – so creative!”

He nodded, smiling too.

“You know what I think I love most about it?”

He glanced at me, eyebrows raised.

“The fact that you appreciate it. It’s a gift to have a heart that can ponder something so weighty, and enjoy it. Most people just run through life and don’t really think about anything of substance.” Of course, tears formed in my eyes as I spoke.

“Mom, what’s wrong?” Dismay filled his voice.

“Oh honey, I don’t know why I’m crying.” I patted my eyes, wishing I weren’t so wimpy.

“Really?” he questioned, perplexed by the unnerving thought that I could be crying and not even know why.

All of my life I have struggled with maintaining my composure when I talk about matters of the heart, almost always losing out to emotion.

I laughed. “Nothing is really wrong – sometimes I cry, that’s all. I guess I have a tender heart, and it doesn’t take much to move me.” I looked at him, trying to reassure him. Hoping to lighten the moment, I smiled, “Welcome to women.”

He sighed. “Wow.” A lot was packed in that one small word and I laughed.

“Well I’d better go,” he said, glancing at the clock. “I love you, Mom.”

“I love you too, sweetheart.”

As his door shut, I thought about the gift God gave us when He created in us the ability to connect and share with others. To wrestle with ideas and beliefs, truths and mysteries, and to journey through life sharing our perspectives and insights, hopes and simple joys.

There in the silence of the car, I prayed, “Thank you, God, for creating us the way You did. Your sovereignty is such a comfort.”

A few more tears escaped, this time, from a heart of gratefulness, as I turned and headed for home.
